130. Sacrfice of Angels
As the battle begins, Kira and her associates are "held for questioning". Ziyal aids Quark in freeing them, and Kira and Rom head for the central computer core, aided along the way by Odo, who has broken away from the Female Changeling's influence. Meanwhile, the Defiant breaks through the Dominion lines and heads for DS9--too late to prevent the destruction of the mines. Sisko orders the Defiant into the wormhole to face the Dominion reinforcements...and is taken out of time by the Prophets. When he urges them to intervene, they finally agree, causing the Dominion reinforcements to vanish. The Dominion forces on the station evacuate, leaving Dukat, who is broken by the death of his daughter.
Summary provided by The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon by kind permission of Tracy Hemenover.