69. Family Business


A. Quark is served by Liquidator Brunt of the FCA (Ferengi Commerce Authority) with a Writ of Accountability, because his mother Ishka has made a profit, something that Ferengi law forbids females to do. Quark must convince her to confess, name accomplices, and make restitution. With Rom, Quark goes to Ferenginar and confronts Ishka, who refuses to give up her profits--which, Quark learns, are much more substantial than even the FCA knows. Rom finally tricks his brother and mother into compromise, and Ishka relinquishes her profits, or actually only a third of them.

B. Sisko gets acquainted with a friend of Jake's, a freighter captain named Kasidy Yates. The ice is broken when he learns of her interest in baseball.

Summary provided by The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon by kind permission of Tracy Hemenover. 1