Genetic Study of the Yellow Body Mutation in a Small Community of Drosophila

Welcome to Fly paper. This site is devoted to the study of the yellow body mutation in a Drosophila Melanogaster. The fly on the left side of the banner above is a yellow body mutant fly. The fly on the right is a normal or "wild type" fly.

The experiment that I did was a cross between two Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit flies), a yellow bodied (Y) male and a wild type (WT) female. I then performed a cross of the F1 generation and finally the F2 generation. To jump to the results click here. The supplies used for this experiment were about 4 ounces of Blue Media, 5 pellets of yeast and two fruit flies. Each generation of flies was given 1 week to breed. The results of each cross are posted at right:
F124 WT25 WT
F243 WT22 WT 23 Y

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