Mockingbird's Fanfic Page


The powers that be
Force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what they've done to you
--The Pretenders


In case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a Trekkie. One of the things I really like about Trek is the degree to which it has inspired people to explore its universe on their own rather than just sitting back and passively consuming a product created by others. My own ventures in that area go back to childhood games based on the original series. Nowadays, my tastes run more to TrekSmut, but the basic concept is still the same. Fanfic operates under a lot fewer constraints than the show does. All you need is an idea and the time to write--you don't have to convince Paramount to spend a million dollars on it. Some of it's very good, some of it's very bad, but it's all fun for the authors--otherwise, we wouldn't do it.


And yes, if you fight your way through my philosophizing, you will eventually get to the links.

If you have trouble with the links to my stories, please e-mail me at mbird @ Fan mail is also welcome, of course.


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Last updated 18 August 2000 by Mockingbird
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