United Federation of Planets Emblem
Cast and Crew Birthday List...
                                        February 2nd        Brent Spiner (Lieutenant Commander Data)
                                        February 16th       LeVar Burton (Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge)
                                        February 23rd       Majel Barret Roddenberry (Lwaxana Troi / Ship's Computer Voice)
                                        March 29th            Marina Sirtis (Commander Deanna Troi)
                                        May 30th               Michael Piller (Series' Executive Producer)
                                        July 13th               Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard)
                                        July 29th               Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher)
                                        August 19th           GENE RODDENBERRY (Star Trek: The Next Generation's Creator)
                                                                     Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker)
                                                                     Diana Muldaur (Dr. Katherine Pulaski)
                                        August 28th           Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher)
                                        November 24th      Denise Crosby (Lieutenant Tasha Yar / Commander Sela)
                                        December 9th        Michael Dorn (Lieutenant Commander Worf)
                                        December 25th      Rick Berman (Series' Executive Producer)