Mac's Head
Hello Everybody!
Hi Jess!

     Now, I'm assuming the reason you are at this site is because you are interested in either purchasing artwork from me, or commissioning me or doing something of the sort. Here you can find all the information possible regarding purchasing and commissioning me. I've been doing art since I could barely even say the word "Rammstein", and I've loved doing it ever since. Because I'm looking to make some extra dough, I've decided to do commissions and start selling some artwork. This is the site where you can get all the information in a quick and easy manner. I'm also looking to draw new things and over the past few years I'm happy to say that I think I've learned new skills and techniques which have helped me become a better artist. Well, anyway, click on the links to get to your destination, and thanks for viewing! :D


Last Update: September, 2006                                                                     ::Commissions::           ::Art For Sale::

Food for Thought:
Examining the word, 'Politics'. Poly = latin, many. Tics = blood sucking pests.