
Windows Goodies

Here I have some Cadfael windows goodies -- some icons, some starup screens, and a theme.


OK, here's the deal.  There are two versions of each icon set:  One is a zipped-up icon library.  The other is just a bunch of zipped-up icons. There are also .gif and .jpg versions of the icons here on my page.  This accomplishes two things: one, you can see what the icons will look like before you download the libraries.  Two, you can just grab the .gif's and make them into icons yourself if you don't use a PC.

The icons are 256-color icons, which means they will only display properly on a system which displays more than 256 colors -- ie, High Color or True Color.  I haven't tried them on a 256 color system, so I don't know what they look like -- pretty awful, I'd imagine.  Most icons contain both 32x32 and 48x48 pixel images.

Kindly don't redistribute this stuff elsewhere on the Web -- I need all the traffic I can get! :-)

Cadfael Icons:  These icons were made from various sources, including: the covers of the US editions of the Cadfael books, the boxes of the US Videos, and images of the St. Winefride window and the Ellis Peters memorial window from the Abbey church in Shrewsbury.

Cadfael Icons Library (82k zip)        Cadfael Icons (92k zip)

Animated Cursors:  These two animated cursors are taken, one each, from images of the two windows mentioned above.  I suggest the book for "Working in Background" and St. Winefride for "Busy" but that's just me.

 Cadfael Animated Cursors (6k zip)

Wallpaper:  This is saved as a .jpeg and is sized for the 800x600 screen resolution.  You'll have to save it as a .bmp and resize it (if necessary) in order to use it.  Note that I like icons (obviously) and I like to show them off.  This, like most of my wallpaper, is designed to be a neat strip up the middle of the screen, reducing memory requirements and leaving my desktop icons uncluttered.  It will look best if you set you backgroud color to black when you use it.

Cadfael Wallpaper

Cadfael Wallpaper (153k jpeg)

Windows 95 Theme:  This is it, my Cadfael theme.  It includes come (not all) of the icons above, the wallpaper, and the cursors... plus sounds, a font, etc.  The startup screens are not included.  The only other thing it lacks is a screen saver.

Personally, I hate theme sound schemes that play long sounds (or even quotes!) for common events.  So, all the sounds are short and to the point, taken either from the TV show or the "Chant" CD.  The zip file doesn't create any directories or anything, just stick it all wherever you want it.  As long as the .theme files is in the same directory as the images and sounds, Microsoft Plus will find everything OK.

See the comments above about the wallpaper -- you may have to resize the wallpaper and/or make it a .bmp before you can use the theme.

Cadfael Theme Image

Cadfael Theme (1.04 Meg zip)

Windows Startup/Shutdown Screens:  These replace the boring "Starting Windows 95", "Please Wait" and "It is now safe to turn off your computer" screens that come with Windows 95.   Instructions for installing these files are included in the zip file.  It's not hard, I promise!  I assume they can be installed in Windows 98 the same way, but I could be wrong.

The animated startup screen was made with the XrXLogo utility, available as shareware at, where you can also find more information about installing logos.

Cadfael Startup Screen Cadfael Please Wait Screen Cadfael Shutdown Screen

Cadfael Startup / Shutdown Screens (74k zip)

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