The following is a basic survey to guage the interest in painted or customized beiruit/beerpong tables and maybe (just maybe), doing something about it. Please fill this out and foward it to anyone you know interested in the game. It will only take a couple minutes. Thanks -Leo
Sex: Male Female

1. Do you play beiruit or beerpong? If no, don't bother with the rest :)

2. Do you own a beiruit/beerpong table or know someone who does? (If no skip to question 5)

3. Is the table painted/customized? (If yes skip to question ) (If no skip to question 5)

4. How important is the appearance of the tables you play on?
Who cares it's a table
Somewhat important
People still play on blank plywood?

5. Would you buy a custom made beiruit board?

6. Disregarding your personal budget and possible lack of money; How much would you pay for a customized table?

7. Rank the following in order of importance for a beiruit table:
Quality (Type of wood, polyurethane finish)
Fine Detail (In the artwork)
Compactability (Hinges)

Which of the following Beiruit or Beerpong products would you consider purchasing:
Bumper Stickers
Hat or Visor

Please enter your e-mail if you would like to be contacted in the event of a site-launch or something along those lines.

Please add any other comments or idea's here:

Please remember to forward this to anyone you know who plays beiruit!