Welcome to my X-Men Site. I have scans, polls and a look at the X-Men's powers.
The pictures of John Cassaday and Alan Davis are still here, but a picture of Deathbird (by Billy Tan if I have counted the pages correctly - the comic book had multiple pencillers) has been added.
I have also transferred all the guestbook entries to a new system. The old one wasn't working particularly well.

Please sign my guestbook or vote for how you think Chris Claremont is doing on the X-titles at the moment.

You can E-Mail me at sinister@geneticallyengineered.co.uk -- But don't forget to remove the letters in capitals.

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Ai to shinjitsu no aku o tsuranuku, minna-san!
This page has been created for entertainment purposes only. This site is not connected with Marvel or any of the creators that are named here. All characters, etc belong to their respective copyright owner.


This X-Web site is owned by HyperDreamer.
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