(FINALLY!) as of March 20, 1999


Dill's Page o' WAVs

Welcome to my page of WAVs. It contains some of the best WAVs from around the net, mostly from movies, and mostly they are funny. I will always work to obtain new WAVs . If there are any WAVs that you would like to see here, just drop me an Email and I will try my best to fill your requests. Also, anyone who has a page of their own that they would like me to link to, email me about it and I will link to your page provided that you put a link on your page to mine.

Check out my links.

Before we get to the WAVs I must warn you kiddies that some of these WAVs contain words that are inappropriate for little ears.

Sixteen new WAVs have been added. These include sounds from Bulletproof, Armageddon, Cheers, LA Confidential, Major League 2, and The Shining.

Seinfeld Sounds

South Park Sounds

TV/Commercial Sounds

Movies A-C

Movies D-F

Movies G-L

Movies M-R

Movies S-Z

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