Welcome to Jerm's Personal Page

Do you ever hate dorky personal webpages that look crappy?  Well I do.  The problem is how do you make a cool looking webpage?  I don't really know.  This is one of those pages that anyone should be able to browse to and get an idea of who Jerm is and what he does.  (Why Does Jerm always switch between first and third person?  I dunno!)

My Nick:  JermWerty.  I've always been called Jerm.  Werty just came to me one day when I was, oh about 12 years old, and I wanted something fast and unique to type.  And what do ya know?  JermWerty is just one of those unique combinations!

Where Jerm lives:  I live in Richland Washington, a little known nuclear town in Eastern Washington State.  I've lived all over the Northwest, from Seattle to Portland and of course, here!

Jerm's education & job:  Well I am currently at Columbia Basin College (CBC) and will be attending Washington State University Tri-Cites (WSU) soon.  I graduated from Liberty Christian High School in 1999.  As far as a job goes, I'm a programmor, er uh progrommer, ahh programmer.  I write code.  For Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories.


And if course, its late, 1 AM so I gotta stop here and pick this up some other time!  DOH