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October 5, 2002
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World Happenings | Sillypore Happenings


October 5, 8.09pm

I have been away from being online for some time, partly due to the studies, but mostly due to the kickass game that is ONI. See that powersex girl with the purple hair and the wicked gun? Oh yeah, she rocks my world. You guys just have to play this game to believe how satisfying a Devil Spin Kick sounds like when Konoko rams her heels into the bad guys' faces.

I must resist the temptation of conquering the world with my Roman army in Medieval Total War. And how bout picking up your ancient WW2 rifle and heading out against those damned Nazis in Medal of Honour:Allied Assault? Luckily Jamie didn't buy those games for me cos maybe the pirated cd shop got raided or something.

Have you guys seen this crazy video series called Bumfights? It has like, homeless people beating the crap out of each other and doing incredibly stupid and dangerous stunts in exchange for money. They even parodied Crocodile Hunter! They have one guy called the Bum Hunter who goes around and startles and subdues sleeping homeless men, then ties then up with masking tape on their hands, mouths, legs. Even got disclaimer "Very few bums were hurt in the making of this film. All were returned back into their natural habitat" Hahaha! But well, the makers of this film got arrested and are now facing charges in court. Well, they managed to make big money selling these tapes off the net.

I have recently stumbled upon this interesting game show called Masters of Combat shown at noon on every lazy Saturday afternoon. It is a game show where different clans pit their skills against each other to try to climb the "steps of enlightenment". Haha. But not bad you noe, some of them. There are like 6 styles in all: Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Wushu, Jeet Kune Do, Jui Jitsu and Freestyle. The best part is the commentator, who is like damn damn corny and speaks in this stereotypical chinese accent. Like when one combatant was performing the Crane stance posture during combat, the commentator went like "Whoa, wat is he doing? Does he thinks he is the karate kid or something?" Haha! Or when one combatant performed this nice grappling move on his opponent, the corny commentator went, "That is one move the supreme master will like, just like his stir fried egg noodles".

I donnoe wat's wif Liong Koon's gripe bout the overpriced food from the Wild Wild West. I mean, he ate like 3 blardy burgers the other day and was going for his fourth, if we didn't manage to stop him. You could see the gleam in his eyes i tell you. But neway, the burger is quite addictive you noe. There's just something about it that the great Ramly burger maestro Koon also cannot pinpoint. The taste just makes you want to eat another. Just like that ad, "Once you pop, you can't stop". That kinda thing. I just told him it's definately cocaine the auntie added, the way he's been eatin them $2 buggers.

Last night, I watched the season finale of Heartlanders. I hope it stays that way. Blardy hell, I thought Heartlanders was going to be a decent local production, but it turned out to be the shit of the shit. I mean, they should really fire the casting director. Vincent Ng or watever his blardy name is, TOTALLY CANNOT speak decent English! Blardy Heartcrappers lah...

On a brighter note, Restless is turning out to be quite a nice one. Nice directing albeit the cheesy atmospheric soundtrack. And Koon, Jean Danker does not look like she has a big head in the show.

List of local TV productions that are decent:

Triple Nine
Phua Chu Kang Pte Ltd
Drive by Eric Khoo
The Ra-Ra Show
Mr Kiasu (i'm 50-50 on this one)
Happy Belly
My Grandson the Doctor
Under One Roof (for the first few seasons anyway)
The Ride Home (the redeeming factor is the Ah Kong and his kopi sipping ways)

List of local productions that are NOT:

VR Man
Three Rooms

So actually, local TV isn't all THAT bad lah. Being the closet local production fan that i am, I would actually be happy if Triple Nine came back for another season. Just wondering, does anybody know what in the world has happened to James Lye??

Ok, until next time folks, Adios Muchachos~!


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