A LINK TO SOME COOL LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to work on a brand new page, with frames and all, but until then, here's this crappy page. ENJOY!
I think that's all, and feel free to e-mail any time! I love e-mail!!!!
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MY OLD-GuESTBOOK!! finally!
THE PEOPLE COUNTER HIT 300 ON MAY 28, 1997!!!!! yeah THANKS FOR ALL OF YOU THAT MADE THAT HAPPEN!!Dear DIARY, heh...I'm in a "typing" mood tonight, so I guess I will just type some more. I don't really know what about, but just whatever comes to my mind first. Ok....um....I will close my eyes, and whatever pops in my head first, that is what I will right about. Ok, I did that, and nothing came to me. I will try again. ** APPARENTLY, that's not going to work.....uh...i want to talk about someting, but what? oh ok, i have something to talk about...don't you hate it when someone like your dad buys a box of Hostess™ Cupcakes, and then your loser step-brother eats about 5 of them, and he gives about 3 to his friends, so all you get is ONE losey cupcake.....so this is what you do......you take the box...and hide it....simpile enough, eh? THEN....you hire someone like me...to go and blow his fuckin head off, or if you dont' want to do that, you can blow his JUNKY piece 'O crap car to pieces , (not like he will notice the difference or anything)....WELL, i'm done typing for now, i guess. C-ya