M'lady Kathryn's Trip to Medieval Times

My birthday was on April 12......EASTER!! YEAHHHH!!! I was soo excited! A while back my mom said that we could go out to eat where I wanted to! I wanted so much to go to Medieval Times because I had not been there yet!! Not knowing it, my mom made reservations for us to go ON my birthday! Of course I was not told till the morning of my birthday of this event! I was SHOCKED! Though I had a dream that night predicting it!

When we got there I was already excited! We were given the yellow crowns and our enemy was the BLUE night....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
There were beautiful things to buy there! I really fell in love with the shiny pearl dragon, black standing unicorn and white sitting unicorn! I ended up buying a princess headband with white and purple material going down the back!

My parents had me go through the knighting ceremony! I got to do that sword on the shoulders thing! I, also, got a picture of it! (soon to be up!) It was a lot of fun and the 'king' was really nice! :) The guy who does the majority of the talking called me an April Rose! I have decided I want that to be my nickname and I am going to use that name for my character in my fictious stories! When I hear the word April Rose, I think of tulips!! So they are April's Rose to me!
Here is the picture of me in the ceremony with the king...

The dungeon was SCARY!! Ugh you got to read about all the torture devices that were placed before you! One thing I must say! I would NOT want to live in that time period! As my friend put it......."If they didn't die from torture, they probably died from some horrible disease!" :( Though there is a wonderful feeling that comes with that time as well that I wish we could capture now! {Though I have recently thought about this and I think that pertty much the same problems of then still exist today! It just may be different kinds of torture or different kinds of diseases!)

The knight me and my family were to cheer for was the yellow knight! :) YEAHHH (my car is yellow!) I wanted to either be cheering for the yellow or green knight. When I saw that the announcer made fun of the green knight a lot, I was glad that I got green! Though my mom thinks that all the people in the green section happened to be friends of the green knight!
The yellow knight did really good in the games!!! :) I would go on, but I think you should see the show! I dont want to go on, but I will say that there is a LOT more that goes on!

The End

Thanks to Geocities