There are some reasons to belive that Tupac is still alive. My opinion is that he is going to come back some time in the future. Here are the reasons that might change your mind wheather or not Tupac is alive or not.
The Top Reason's Tupac is
Still Breathing
2. The 7-Day theory, 2Pac survived for 7 days after being shot, his new album is called "The 7 Day Theory".
3. He died on Friday, the 13th.
4. The white Cadillac that 2Pac was supposedly shot in was never found, how can this be when Las Vegas is in the middle of a dessert. Where did it go?
5. 2Pac had his "entourage" with him when he was shot. They consisted mostly of bodyguards. How can he have all these bodyguards and not one of them sees the shooter or chases the Caddy?
6. Makaveli was a war stratagist who faked his death.
7. Makaveli wrote 2 books before his death, Book I and Book II. Look and see what 2Pac called the All Eyez on Me CD's.
8. 2Pac was creamated the day after his death. There is no way they can do an autopsy that fast. Since when is there a murder without a autopsy???
9. The Number Seven (7)
2Pac was gunned down exactly 7 months after All Eyez on Me was
His age 25, (2+5)adds up to 7.
He was shot on September 7th.
He lived 7 days after being shot.
His album, titled The 7 Day Theory.
The time of his death, 4:03, (4+0+3) adds up to 7.