Welcome to my Internet Home!!!!!

First let me introduce myself.....my name is Todd Jamrose. I am a Paramedic for Princeton Rescue Squad in Princeton, WV. I am also in love with a wonderful woman I plan to marry in December. Between her and work, I stay really busy, but am very happy in what I do.  It is not often that you can find an exciting job where you can help people.  I left teaching to go back to EMS and have found a lot of joy in it.



Second, as you can probably guess I am a big fan of the Star Wars Trilogy. I have a list of my favorite Star Wars links below. I am also a member of the NaboOnline mailing list which is about....you guessed it....STAR WARS. You can sign up for this great mailing list here.  I even saw The Phantom Menace at midnight of opening night!




In college I became a founding father of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Now that I have graduated, we have formed an alumni group that I am both an officer and webmaster of. The Eta Alpha Alumni Group is one of the pages that I am webmaster of. Links for all of the pages that I maintain are below! If you need help with a page for your business or organization, please feel free to contact me!



jamrose@inetone.net Post a Message in My Guestbook!

Other Pages I Maintain

Star Wars Links

Links to My Photos (more to come)

Links to My Favorite Things

Contact Me!

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Last updated on November 8, 2002!