How to put music on your page!
And here's how it would appear on the page:
Now you would obviously change a few things to suit your needs. For instance you would replace SRC="" with SRC="where_ever_you_have_the_music.mid" Now if the music is located in the same directory as the page you want the music on then you wouldn't even need http:// you could just put SRC="Gilligan.mid" and it would work fine and save you a lot of typing. You can change AUTOSTART=FALSE to AUTOSTART=TRUE to have the music play as soon as it loads, and you can change LOOP=FALSE to LOOP=TRUE so that the music will play continually without stopping.
You don't have to use just midi's you can do the same thing with .au and .wav files just replace whatever.mid with or .wav depending on the file.
I hope that helps a little, now go and flood the web with music! You can copy and paste the code from above, just highlight it and press Cntrl+C then paste it where you want it by pressing Cntrl+V.