Navy SEAL for S.D.C. Genres
 I'd like to say that this O.C.C. is mainly the work of a good friend who's supported the purpose of this page, minimally modified by myself.

1. Physical Bonuses: SEALS have some of the most physically demanding training in the world this is
reflected by a +15 to base SDC in addition to physical skill bonuses, +1D4 to PS, +2 to PE, +1 to PP,
and +1D6 to Spd.
2. Combat Bonuses: Add one additional attack per melee, +1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch.
3. Attribute Requirements: ME of 12, PS, PP, and PE 12 or higher. Minimum IQ of 9.

OCC Skills:
Language and Literacy: One of choice (+15%)
Basic Math (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Computer Operation (+5%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Military Etiquette (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Pilot: Motor Boats and Hydrofoils (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
Swimming (+20%)
S.C.U.B.A. (+15%)
Parachuting (+10%)
Climbing (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
WP Automatic/Semi-Automatic Rifle
WP Automatic Pistol
WP of choice
HTH Expert (Can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin for the cost of one “other” skill)

OCC Related Skills:  Select 6 other skills but one must be from Espionage.
Communications: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any
Espionage: Any except Sniper (+10%)
Mechanical: Any
Medical: First Aid (+10%)
Military: Any except Camouflage(+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% where applicable)
Pilot: Any except aircraft (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
Rouge: Any (+5%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any (+10%)

Secondary Skills: The character can also select 3 other skills as per usual

SEAL Specialties - A player can choose to give up 3 O.C.C. related skills and all secondary skills to attain a special SEAL Specialty.

Sniper: SEAL Snipers make up a small portion of the SEAL platoon. Once a SEAL completes all the training required of him he can choose to go onto further training as a sniper in the Army sniper school. Being a Sniper rquires immense amounts of Metal and Physical Endurace since the operator and his spotter can be in the field for days at a time.

- 1D4 to P.E.
- 1D6 to M.E.
- Sniper
- Camouflage (+15%)
- Tracking (+15%)
- +10% prowl
- W.P. Bolt Action Rifle

There is so much equipment available and used by the SEALs, I suggest you go HERE to see. Very useful.
 Here however is the basic equipment:

The basic SEAL "layout"

SEALs separate their gear into three categories, or lines. First line Gear is the everyday essentials needed for survival.
Cammies (pardon me: Battle Dress Uniforms), weapons, maps, compass, and watches are all first line gear. If the other lines
of equipment are lost or abandoned the first line gear will give the operator a chance at surviving and escaping any would-be
captors. Other items such as an MRE (the infamous MEAL, READY to EAT), pocket knife, and "dummy cord" (about 25 ft.
of parachute suspension line) are also included into this group.

Second line gear are necessary extras that are included in load bearing equipment or tactical vests. It is gear that is quickly
available should the need arise. Equipment such as ammunition (five to seven magazines), hand grenades, water (and
purification tablets), and medical supplies are all considered second line equipment.

Third line gear are supplies needed for a mission but aren't as critical for immediate use. Radios and batteries (for calling in that
heavenly air support), claymore mines, ponchos, water filters, and night vision goggles are all included in third line gear. Medical
corpsmen fit their medical gear into this category.

*Additional Equipment can be requested upon assignment.

Money: $2000 Basic pay (monthly) + $225/month HALO + $175/month Dive + $110/month Special Duty Assigment Pay
