The New Navy, as well as continuing the traditions and values of the old American Empires Navy, have also continued the old Naval Special Warfare Teams. Although they aren't at the strength of 8 teams like the old SEAL teams, The New Navy has 2 SEAL Teams ready for deployment at any moments notice. This is approximantley 160 men and women per team (10 platoons), 64 on active duty during peace time in a normal 3 month rotation per team (4 platoons). During war time however all members of the teams can be put on active duty.
 SEAL Team 1 is stationed at Refuge base and SEAL Team 2 is stationed at Salvation base. 1 Platoon (16 members) of SEAL Team 1 are currently with Fourth Fleet (Along with a Battalion of Expeditionary Marines) Where they perform a variety of missions including Reconnaissance into unfamiliar territories, While the another platoon is stationed with First Fleet (The USS Ticonderoga and it's submarine escorts). Two platoons  (32 men) from SEAL Team 2 are assigned to Second Fleet (The fleet which patrols the Pacific ocean to protect against Naut'yll raiders and pirates. The other members of the teams not on current active duty attend to duties at Salvation and Refugee bases such as defence and peace time operations.
 Because Rifts earth is as hostile as it is, the actual training methods of the SEAL Teams have been greatly changed. The team can adapt to almost any comat situation. The positions of the teams is kept a secret only except to the highest of command. As soon as a member is indoctrinated into the teams their career and enlistment records are sealed forever, their relatives are given cover names if they are asked what unit the operator is in and the members are given false identities. Members of the teams are true professionals and the most care is put to keep people from seeing them. Consquentley the teams are rarely seen in action even by members of the ships they are stationed on. This is mainly because they pose as ship crewmen.
 Members of the SEAL Teams are usually deployed on reconnaissance missions inland and combat operations against the many wandering pirate groups, wether it be raids on coastal pirate bases, sabotage, or underwater demolition. In addition to these roles the SEALs have been trained in various forms of espionage and can melt into the public of target towns and can act as information gathers. In these roles the SEALs are very rarely even seen by the unwary enemy, before the enemy is even aware of what has happened it is far too late. They have been given the nickname of the 'Sea Devils' by the few Naut'yll  pirates that have survived an encounter with them, as if they could rise from the water anywhere and kill you or pull you under.
 I'll try and do my best to keep it strict enough to a SEAL and not a Munchkin O.C.C. here it is:

Gender: any (females have now been integrated into the SEAL units)
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, P.S. 12, P.P. 14 P.E. 12 or higher (requirments are pretty steep)
Training:A Prospective SEAL (a tadpole) has to make it through a rigerous training course called BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL training),this course takes about 6 months to complete and consists of  the ever popular "Hell Week" (5 days and nights of non-stop training with a maximum of 2-4 hours sleep). This course is some of the toughest training available.
Age: Must be younger than 28 years old

O.C.C. Skills
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Math: Basic (+15%)
Language: American at 98% and choose one of choice (+20%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Lore Demons and monsters: (+10%)
Pilot:One of Choice (+10%)
Robot Combat Elite: "Semper fi" Powered armor
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
Swimming (+15%)
S.C.U.B.A. (+15%)
Parachuting (+15%)
First Aid (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Demolitions (+18%)
Underwater Demolitions (+14%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Two of Choice
Hand to Hand Commando (usually cannot be changed because the SEALs have their own way of fighting,but of course under GM's discretion, it can be modified)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select four from the following areas of special training: Communications, Medical, Espionage, Mechanical, Electrical, Military, Rouge, Weapon Proficiencies or Wilderness. -- All these special MOS skills get a 15% skill bonus. Two other skills can selected from any of the available catagories at level one, four, eight, and twelve.

Communications: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any (+10%)
Mechanical: Any (+10%)
Medical: Any (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% where applicable)
Pilot: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any
Rouge: Any (+10%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%; +10% to language and literacy skills)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any (+10%)

Secondary Skills:
The character gets four secondary skills at level one, and two addtional skills at levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen, from the previous list, and as always these are additional areas of knowledge in which the character does not get the bonuses mentioned in the parentheses, blah, blah, blah, you know the rest.

Standard Equipment: The SEALs are usually issued Marine Combat Armor (camouflage type for varying environments), four explosive hand grenades, two smoke flares, survival knife, RMK, IRMSS (New Navy's own versions), infared distancing binoculars, utility belt, battle harness, medium sized back pack, air filter & gas mask, Camouflage uniform, dress uniform, Black flight suit, additional non-energy weapon of choice (typicaly and S.D.C. Pistol), dog tags, S.C.U.B.A. Gear (new wet suit has 25 M.D.C.), Parachute and gear, and a basic NG-S2 survival kit and 2 weeks food rations (MRE's).
 Additional weapons that are used by the SEALs are the AT-88 laser rifle, H-15 shot gun, H-12 pulse rifle (resembling an MP5),and the AT-84 sniper rifle (all of these weapons with the prefix "AT" are from World book 8, Japan). Also the new prototype weapon, the "Stoner 63A" and "XM23A2" energy rifles are under development and testing at the moment. 

Weapons: typically a squad will have 2-5 men/women,so two will be carrying M-160 rifles,two will be carrying M-600 Light Plasma Cartridge Machineguns,and the Rear Guard will be carrying a H-15 shotgun in addition to an M-160,everyone is also issued a HI-10 Laser pistol (Phase World) or they can always choose the M-2011 pistol, M-20's can also be issued upon reqest (if needed or suggested - depleted urnanium rounds are a favrite of the teams doing battle with supernatural creatures).

*Note: Japanese weapons have been aquired by small trading missions with the Japanese goverment, and are issued until the New Navy can develop it's own Special Operations Weapons.

Equipment available upon Request: (now I never read this stuff,but just incase you do,here it is:Any type of Body Armor (which the New Navy has ready access too) can be issued,explosives if demolitions is a known skill and neccessary for the mission,any type of weapon (again, if the New Navy has access to it),cameras or surveillance equipment,sensory equipment,additional food rations,Non-regulation weapons,armor,equipment and vehicles may be issues to SEALs, mainly for the purpose of disquise and infiltration. In addition, hte character has access to military facilities. Most SEALs have mid to high level security clearence for top ranked and trusted officers.
  Vehicles can include a simple hover cycle,car,conventional military vehicles, or jet packs to Semper fi powered armor and so on.The exact type of equipment will depend on the mission, the commanding officer and availability of items at base.

Money: the character gets a place to live,clothing,and other basics all provided free of charge by the Navy, as well as access to most military facilities.the monthly pay starts of at about 2000 credits, plus combat pay. Savings start off with  1D6X1000 credits as well, and begin usually at the rank of either corporal or sergent depending if he was enlisted or was an officer to start, and by preformance in training as well.

Cybernetics: none to start with, but some SEALs who have either abandoned the Navy or have left after finishing they're serivce have gotten cybernetics.Some may be put in to replace lost organs or body parts in battle, but most SEALs believe that cybernetics make you "fake" and most prefer to keep without them until needed.

Money: $2000 Basic pay (monthly) + $225/month HALO + $175/month Dive + $110/month Special Duty Assigment Pay

SEALs rappelling from a New Navy UH-60E helicopter
Ranks for the New Navy:
-Fleet Admiral
-Vice Admiral
-Rear Admiral (uuper half)
-Commodore (war time only)
-Rear Admiral (lower half)
-Lieutenant Commander
-Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

Warrant Officers
-Chief Warrant Officer (W-4)
-Chief Warrant Officer (W-3)
-Chief Warrant Officer (W-2)
-Warrant Officer (W-1)

-Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (only one)
-Master Chief Petty Officer
-Senior Cheif Petty Officer
-Chief Petty Officer
-"                 " First Class
-"                 " Second Class
-Petty Officer Third Class
-Seaman Apprentice
-Seaman Recruit