
Wizard Stuff

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 Just a Thought

There were two brothers in the services of a wizard. One day one of the brothers decided to poison one of his master's "the wizard" loaves of bread, although he unknowingly used too little poison to kill a person. That same day his brother was hungry and stole that same loaf of bread not knowing that his brother had poisoned it. The thieving brother was sickened by the poisoned bread but quickly recovered. Upon learning the wrongs that each brother had committed the wizard decided to only punish one brother, either the one who attempted murder or the one that seceded in stealing the loaf of bread. Witch of the two brothers received punishment.

This is not a riddle it has no right or wrong answer. Some say that deed is more important then intent some say it is the opposite, and still some would argue that it has to be weighed more carefully. You decided. But remember in the near past a man who failed at committing a murder may have spent a few years in prison but a man who stole a horse was hung.



Training stories.

One of my senior students was troubled yesterday when one of his spells didn't work.

Upon coming to me he said. "Master wizard sir. I have a problem. This morning I was casting a spell to light the fire. This is a task a have been doing with magic for a long time and it had never failed me. For some reason it didn't work for me today. I'm sure I cast the spell right I could do that one in my sleep it had never failed me before. Then I tried the spell one more time not knowing if it would work and it did. Master Wizard sir why did my spell not work the first time.


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