Karen's Deepwater

The mission is in jeopardy.  The Sci-Fi Channel wants to CANCEL Mission Genesis!  Click here to save it...
Save Deepwater Black/Mission Genesis!

~ since December 1997

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List last updated January 6th, 1999, 17:00 PDT

Show news page October 12th, 1998
Cancellation news page September 25th, 1998
Last Site Update January 15th, 1998

Welcome to Karen's Deepwater, a page devoted to the half-hour sci-fi/speculative fiction/dramatic series, Deepwater Black. It airs in the US as Mission Genesis.

If you are not familiar with the show, proceed to the Cryo Chamber.

If this is your first time to this site, the sitemap is on the Command Deck (you'll need it, trust me).

If you haven't been to this new version of the site, or you want to know what's been updated since the last time you came, the Habitat site update page is for you

Please note that because this site is very new, there are going to be a few broken links. I would appreciate it very much if you would tell me where they were by e-mailing me.

If you've been here before, welcome back! The lift is ready and waiting--select your deck:

This site has been utilized for Netscape 2.0+ and MS Internet Explorer 3.0+. If you have any problems while navigating or viewing the site, please inform me.

I invite any comments or contributions to this site at my guestbook or by e-mail at karebear@geocities.com.

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