Nitpick, Nitpick
Yeah, you see them all the time--little in-jokes, or editting mistakes, or some tiny, insignificant thing that doesn't effect the quality of the episode overall, but is neat enough for you to be proud for finding it. We have a name for people that find these things: they are nitpickers, relentless hunters for the tiny and trivial details. Here, we have everything that these nitpickers have found and decided to share. If you have a good nitpick that you've been itching to tell someone, go ahead and send it to me and I'll put it on this page!
- In Lullaby, when Gret and Bren first see the gene bank, the
computer asks for a keycode, while Gret says, "Passcode..." Spotted by Peter Karlsson
- The picture of the crew on the Command Deck (here) has everyone in
their Legacy wardrobe except for Bren--he's still in his
Lullaby clothes. But take a look at his left arm, right at the edge
of the sleeve. You see it? Yes, that is the tip of the tattoo he got in
Legacy, so I guess they snapped the picture before he could get to
wardrobe. =D You can see the same thing in this picture.
- Also in that Command Deck picture, Yuna has something on her hand--right above the
communicator on the back of her hand. She also had it in a couple of other
episodes. Any guesses?
- In Legacy, the patch on the General's neck during Bren's prex
looks like a dead giveaway of Pandora, but turns out it's not--it's a
tattoo denoting rank. [Swear it--straight from the prods when I asked them! =D]
- In Reflections, a second shuttle can be seen in the Shuttle Bay,
even though the other one is elsewhere. It happens twice: when Bren and
Lise launch from Deepwater (Shuttle Alpha in the corner of the screen), and
when Reb 1 stops for Yuna (Shuttle Beta is there).
- In the beginning credits for Cycles, the first guest star list has the right name, but the second one says Kyra (as in Refugee Kyra) instead of Krista--whoops, looks like there's a mark against the credits guy. =D From the SFC MG Board
- This isn't really in Siege, but the "discussion" group picture
(here) is pretty much scene when Reb was releasing the radiation, not to mention that everyone is in their Siege clothes--Lise and Gret are just wearing jackets on top of theirs.
- In Infestation, when Bren is walking onto the bridge to see what
Lise, Gret and Zak are doing (when they're looking for space bugs and Lise
is close to exploding with laughter), he's carrying his lunch with him. A
Pineapple Orbitz1 (is it pineapple or banana? I forgot all
the flavors; I just know Bren has the yellow one =D) with the label peeled
off is in his hand. They also make appearances in Fugue, Prime and Aurora.
- In Infestation again, Gret has a really bad cold that prevented
me from understanding what happened to the space bugs. Hope the recovery
went quickly, Kelli. =D
- During Reb's prex in Aurora, we actally see Reb. We assume it's
his reflection in a mirror, but if it were a really accurate prex,
we wouldn't have seen Aurora put her hands on Reb's eyes--instead, we would
see the camera go black since he was washing his face. Same for the break-up scene--we actually see his reaction. Technicalities, I know.
1. Orbitz is a sour-sweet drink that has these little
beany-things in it floating around in it that manage to never sink
to the bottom. The drink isn't that bad; the beany things make me ill.