updated January 17,1999

Mulder becomes seriously ill and his family and friends must pull together to offer comfort and support.

Abah II - Through His Eyes--56K
The experience of Mulder's illness and initial recovery as basically seen through the eyes of one character and why

Abah III - Alone in a Crowded Room--60K
A continuation of the story of Mulder's recuperation from a serious illness, and how his family and friends help him deal with it, as seen through his own eyes.

Abah IV:Point of View--70K
Continuing the saga of Mulder's recuperation from his serious illness, but as seen from his partner's point of view.

Abah V:Mothers and Lovers(1/2)--126K
Abah V:Mothers and Lovers(2/2)--79K
The saga of Mulder's recuperation from a serious illness and its ramifications when a possible cure for Scully's cancer is presented to them from an unlikely ally. The story is told with a new emphasis placed upon the roles of the parent group, both past and present, natural and surrogate.

Abah VI:The Recovery(1/4)--88K
Abah VI:The Recovery(2/4)--93K
Abah VI:The Recovery(3/4)--109K
Abah VI:The Recovery(4/4)--101K
The saga continues with Mulder recovering from the trauma he experienced while helping to provide Scully with a cure for her cancer. (CC has "his" ideas and I have mine!;->) We got MulderAngst, SkinnerAngst, ScullyAngst, MaggieAngst, CSMAngst, a very little MaMulderAngst, and even a little SamanthaAngst!

Abah VII:The Visit(1/2)--81K--PG-13
Abah VII:The Visit(2/2)--70K
Mulder is determined to be independent even with the disabilities he has had to learn to live with. But as determined as he is, fate always seems to have other ideas for him.

Abah VIII: The Caregiver--96K--PG-13
Mulder discovers heroes can fall down too. But it takes another kind of hero to help pick them up again.

Abah IX: The Birth--82K--PG-13
It's time for a birthin' and you know things just don't come easy for the Mulders. Ever.

Abah X: A Vignette--6K--PG-13
Keeping memories in perspective at the time of a new birth.

Abah XI: Walking in Your Moccasins--56K--PG-13
A visit from west coast relatives to see the new arrival is marked by a new trauma, but an even greater understanding.

Abah XII: And Baby Makes Three(1/3)--84K--PG-13
Abah XII: And Baby Makes Three(2/3)--105K
Abah XII: And Baby Makes Three(3/3)--90K
An x-file, an old enemy, and meeting physical challenges make for a new adventure in the Abah universe.

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