Insania 1998 Present's Ghost Rider


Ghost Rider

During the 18th century a man named Noble Kale fell in love with a black woman known as Magdelen .Noble was a pawn, in a deadly game run by Mephisto, and Noble's father Pastor Kale.  When Pastor Kale had Magdelena burned to the stake for discovering his dark secret, Magdelena brought a curse onto the Pastor and the town.  Fearing the curse, eventual death on him, Pastor Kale summoned Mephisto.  A deal was made in which Mephisto would claim the soul of noble and transform hi into a demon.  The agreement was reached, and Noble Kale was transformed into Ghost Rider.  When Ghost Rider had destroyed Magdelena's curse, the Furies, Pastor Kale offered Ghost Rider some food, Noble Kale's son.  Not willing to devour his own flesh and blood, Ghost Rider killed himself. Upon his death, Mephisto had appeared to claim Noble's soul.  However Mephisto brother the archangel Uriel  also appeared claiming that Noble's soul did not belong to Mephisto.  Unable to come to an agreement, a compromised was reached.  Noble will be claimed by neither realm,instead Noble will be placed in the void, only to appear when one of his descendants summon him.Thus was born the legend and the curse of the Ghost Rider.  Over the course of history Ghost Rider was called upon by many of his descendants. During World War One he was called upon to fight his arch rival Verminous Rex. Years later Naomi Kale  had inherited the powers of the Ghost Rider. Naomi felt that she could not subject her children to that kind of a life so she was forced to abandon them. For years she fought to free her first born John from his curse. She succeeded, but failed to realize that if the first born is not available to claim his destiny, the next child would have to take over. She died trying to protect her children from that kind of curse, only to fail. Thirteen years after her death, her other two children Dan and, Barbara were taking a forbidden stroll through the cemetery. They witnessed the killer Deathwatch  murder a man, Deathwatch had noticed he was seen and ordered the kids dead. Barbara was killed by an arrow. While trying to flee to find help, Dan stumbled upon a mysterious motorcycle. Upon contact of the bike Dan was transformed into, Ghost Rider, and the spirit of vengeance was reborn. After his rebirth Ghost Rider, fought to protect the innocent. The return of this Ghost Rider had drawn the attention of former Ghost Rider, John Blaze. John Blaze set out to kill Ghost Rider, so he may lead a normal life. While in battle with John, Ghost Rider accidentally released hellfire into John's body causing John to shoot pure hellfire from his shot gun. Ghost Rider eventually convinced John that he was not the demon
Zarathos that John thought he was. After his encounter with John, Ghost Rider was
now more determined to discover who he really was. The search for the truth caused Ghost Rider to become one of the founding members of the Midnight Sons. The Midnight
Sons mission was to stop the forces of evil from threatening the planet. As a Midnight Son, Ghost Rider was forced to meet his destiny and fight Zarathos, in a winner take all competition. Zarathos unfortunately won and Ghost Rider died. When the crime lord Anton Hellgate Hellgate, learned of Ghost Rider's demised, he resurrected Ghost Rider through scientific means. Hellgate had hoped that Ghost Rider would join him, however Ghost Rider refused and tried to stop Hellgate's criminal reign. After his re-re-birth Ghost Rider was determined to discover now more then ever who he truly was. It was not until a run in with Vengeance that the pieces of Ghost Rider's origin started coming together. Ghost Rider and Blaze sought the help of the young sorceress Jennifer Kale . With the help of Jenn Ghost Rider was able to discover fragments of his past, as well as that Dan, and John are distant cousins of Jennifer. Ghost Rider now feels that it is his right to escape the void and stay in our world on a more permanent basis. Ghost Rider does
however realize that in doing so might jeopardize Dan's life.  Ghost Rider then came face to face with new spirits of vengeance, each with powers equal to his own.  These new spirits of vengeance, Pao Fu , Verminous Rex, Doghead , and Wallow , all sought
Ghost Rider's leadership or his death.  Refusing to lead such hellish creatures, Pao Fu killed Ghost Rider instantly, and took him to her master Blackheart.  Blackheart had Ghost Rider revived by the kiss of his demoness Black Rose, and offered Ghost Rider a
deal.  The deal was that Ghost Rider would lead Blackheart's new spirits of vengeance, the hands of marriage with Pao Fu and Black Rose, as well as Ghost Rider returning to his original body.  Ghost Rider immediately accepted, and became human once again.  Dan Ketch however was severed from Ghost Rider, and was given the opportunity to lead a normal life. After the wedding Ghost Rider gave Black Rose and Pao Fu their freedom, from Blackheart, however Blackheart interjected and began the battle of the spirits of vengeance, in which Ghost Rider, Vengeance, Pao Fu, Verminous Rex, Doghead, and Wallow, all took part, and only one would survive.  When all seemed at a loss Dan Ketch burst on the scene giving Ghost Rider that which he need most, his memories.  Upon the
restoration of his memories, Ghost Rider finally knew who he was, the angel of death.  Putting this knowledge to use, Ghost Rider immediately destroyed Blackheart.  In doing so Ghost Rider became the new ruler of hell and sadly at the loss of life of his dear friend and companion Dan Ketch.

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