This is a glossery I am working on. I dont have alot of time to work on the page so it's not complete yet. but slowly but surly this page will grow to it's full. please bear with me. I am the only one doing the research for this site and doing the work to.

AFOSI -- Air Force office of special investigations. There headquarters are located at bolling AFB.
The Ampleforth Manuscript -- There is record os the discovery of a very old manuscript in Ampleforth Abbey which gives a startling account of a flying saucer over Byland Abby in Yorkshire. The event is reported to have been witnessed by monks in the year 1290 when a large round silver thing like a disc flew over them and excited the greatest terror.

ATIC -- Air Technical Intellegence Center at Write-Patterson Air Force bast in Dayton, Ohio. THis was the controling agency for project "BlueBook". in 1948 Top Secret estimate, ATIC Concluded that ufo's were interplanitary spaceships.

APRO -- Areial Phenomena Research Organization. APRO now defunct was the worlds longest running ufo group. Founded in 1952 by Jim and corel Lorenzen. There headquarters are in Tucson Arizona.

BUFORA -- British ufo research association. The largest ufo group in Great Britain and has been going since 1964. As well as doing research in the ufo Phenomena it publishes the bi months journal "UFO TIMES". Address/British ufo research association/BM BUFORA/London/WC1N3XX/Great Britain/E-mail

CAUS -- Citizens against UFO Secrecy. A non-profit organization to uncove all existing documentiation releating to the government involvement in UFO investigations and research. To accomplish this, CAUSE files numerous Freedom of Information act (FOIA) lawsuits in an attempt to get the government to release relevant documents. There "Just CAUSE" quarterly newsletter carries evens and provides updated ufo news from around the world. Barry Greenwood (Research director and editor) Peter Gersten (Director) Address/ PO BOX 176/Stoneham/MA/02180/USA.