Anigirl's Animorphs Links (

God Bless America
Take a moment of silence, please, for those who died in the terrorist attacks on America. Also, please pray continually for their loved ones.

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Anigirl's Animorphs Links is a list of websites rated on a scale of 1 to 5 on content, inside info, layout, additional resources, interactivity, and effects (graphics, music, etc.). If you strongly disagree with the rating that a website has received, e-mail me and I'll take another look at it. To be listed, e-mail me with the URL (address) and title of your website. Only Animorphs websites which have been updated since at least July 1st, 2000, will be listed on Anigirl's Animorphs Links. Exceptions are those which have been declared shut down. If your website isn't Animorphs-related, or you want to be listed as a StarSite, you must have a link to Anigirl's Animorphs Links before you are listed.

news and updates (August 29th, 2001): Took care of a few dead links today, and I'm working on a new rating system. Well, the next thing on my To Do list is rating some more sites. I'll do that as soon as I can!

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Here are a few of my favorite Animorphs websites. Enjoy!

Animorph Planet - Great site that leaves the junk behind for info that's hard to find on other websites. It's fairly new, so its rating might increase later, but even now it's definitely worth a visit. Check this out!

Links to other websites:

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Swiss Soft's Megazeux Page
AAA Matilda United States
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