6:40 PM
Delta Pi House

Eithne listened to Flynn and Brian's conversation with half of her mind, and payed close attention to the girl with the other half. Playing the hunch she'd felt earlier as to the girl's identity, she softly said, "Megan?"

The girl nodded, ridiculously trying to seem as though she still knew exactly what was going on. "We're going to slowly go over here," she motioned with her head to the other door in the room, "and you're going to keep quiet, and you're not going to panic. All right?"

Eithne walked towards the door, making sure that Megan was following her. Just as she began to slowly open the door, Brian began to turn around. Eithne stopped, half ready to huff with annoyance. Here were two FBI agents with guns, a crazy boy with a knife, and a "victim" who was anything but. She raised her eyebrow and glanced at Megan, who was shaking, and motioned for her to calm down, as she heard Flynn say, "Look at me Brian! I'm putting away my gun." The boy's attentioned snapped back to Flynn, and Eithne opened the door, allowing Megan to leave first, who half walked, half ran down the hallway quite a distance until they were outside, and then collasped against a wall, somehow managing to maintain an attitude.

"He wanted to kill me!"

Eithne sighed silently. "Were you hurt before we arrived?"

"HURT? For God's sake, I was just about to be found dead, wearing a wedding dress with my fingers cut off, and you want to know if I was HURT?"

Eithne bit her lip and blinked. "Do. You. Require. Medical. Attention?"

Megan just glared at her.

'I'll take that as a "no".'

Eithne flipped open her cell phone, and was about to call the rest of the team when someone _screamed_. She noticed that Megan jumped, and was rather amused by that - had a natural dislike of people who could maintain a "holier-than-thou" attitude even while having their life threatened.

She glanced at Megan for a split second, debating whether or not to leave her there, and grabbing one of the police officers who was about to run in to find the origin of the scream, flashing her badge and saying, "Stay with her until I get back," not giving him enough time to refuse before she ran back into the sorority house, seeing Kate and Sandra run into the room where she and Flynn had just been.

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