[11:45 A.M. The Cabin]

September dropped Kate back off at the cabin and waited for Dinah to pack. On the way to Scranton she briefly went over the details involving the dog and the warehouse. When Dinah got back to Washington, D.C. she said that she would drop off the dog's blood at the FBI's lab for extensive evaluation. This would be a big help and hopefully we would be able to get an answer today. September gave Dinah her cell phone # and asked her to tell the lab technician to call her as soon as they heard something.

[12:30 P.M. - The Airport]

Airport traffic was light and before they knew it they were there. "Well September, we didn't really get a chance to work together, maybe next assignment." September nodded her head in agreement, waved good-bye and drove off. Her first stop would be Mercy Hospital to check on Agent Cohen. Thank goodness Scranton was a small town, it shouldn't take too long to go to the hospital and the Sheriff's Office.

[1:00 P.M. - Mercy Hospital]

At the hospital, September got off on the fourth floor [Psychiatric Ward]. She was glad that a different shift was on duty so that she could possibly get some information on the whereabouts of Dr. Noonan. The orderly led her directly to Agent Cohen's room and left the two alone. To her surprise, Agent Cohen was sitting up in bed. Trying not to appear shocked September inquired about the agent, "Agent Cohen, how are you feeling?"

"Fine . . . Do I know you?", he said slightly bewildered.

"No Sir, I don't believe you do. I'm Special Agent September Foster and I was here yesterday with Special Agent Kate Calloway." Hesitating, she didn't want to press him too much or push him over the edge, after all they were in the Psychiatric Ward and any behavior deemed strange by the staff would prevent Agent Cohen from being released. September noticed that Agent Cohen's demeanor was vaguely familiar. Then she realized, he was acting exactly like the dog that they had found outside the café, calm, serene without a care in the world. "Agent Cohen do you remember anything that happened the last two days?"

"Not really. Wait . . . I remember a bright light and some strange noises, then waking up here."

"That's it?"

"Pretty much. Why? Is there something else?"

"Agent Cohen, you were in a coma the last time that I saw you. The odd thing is that . . ."

Cutting her off in mid-sentence, Agent Cohen spoke, "I don't remember any of that. What does it matter anyway."

"Excuse me?"

Gesturing towards the bed, Agent Cohen invited September to sit down on his bed. He then kneeled in closer and began to whisper.

"They watch every move I make and listen to everything that I say. I remember what happened. Not everything, just bits and pieces. They're talking about releasing me soon because they can't find anything wrong with me. If you can get me out of here, I'll tell you everything that I know."

Agent Cohen looked up and saw a small camera mounted in the corner of the room aimed in such a way to monitor the patient's activities. Maybe this was standard equipment for the Psychiatric Ward, but she wasn't taking any chances. She pretended to adjust her contact lens (although she doesn't wear contacts), and told Agent Cohen that she would be right back. She stood up and walked towards the Nurses' station. Flashing her badge, "I'm Special Agent September Foster and I'm here to take Agent Cohen home."

"I can't release him without Dr. Noonan's authorization. Let me see if I can locate him."

This was too good to be true but September was hoping that she could "kill two birds with one stone" as the saying goes. She tried not to be too obvious as she listened in on the Nurses conversation.

"Dr. Noonan, there's an Agent Foster here that wants to take Agent Cohen home.. okay . . . yes I will . . . Agent Foster, Dr. Noonan will be right up to speak with you. You can wait in Agent Cohen's room or have a seat in the waiting area."

"Thank you, I'll wait in Agent Cohen's room". September said walking back to Agent Cohen's room, briefing him on what was going on. As she finished talking, Dr. Noonan walked into her room.

"Agent Foster, I'm Dr. Noonan. So you've been sent to sign our patient out."

"Not sign him out, just drive him home. I'm sort of his chaueffer for today. I was under the impression that he was being released today." September said adding a little chuckle trying to diffuse the tense atmosphere. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she felt that Dr. Noonan was somehow involved.

"Okay, Agent Cohen, please sign these forms and remember no work for the rest of the week."

"You'll get no argument out of me doctor."

Agent Cohen signed the forms and excused himself while he went into the bathroom to change.

"Agent Foster a word please", Dr. Noonan said grabbing Agent Foster's arm and leading her out of the room.

"Agent Cohen is a very sick man. Yesterday he was in a coma and today he appears quite normal. I would like to keep him for further tests, but he has expressed a desire to leave. Maybe you could persuade him to stay for a few more hours."

"I'm sorry Dr. Noonan, my only reason for being here is to escort Agent Cohen back home since he's obviously in no condition to drive himself and I wouldn't be following orders if I suggested anything otherwise."

By the glare that was coming from Dr. Noonan, Agent Cohen could tell that he was trying to figure out whether or not she was lying. Once again, she tried to lighten the tense atmosphere in the room. "So, is there any medication that I should pick up for him on the way home."

Dr. Noonan was caught off guard and broke the stare, "No, he just needs a lot of rest. His body has been through a lot and I want to make sure he's okay." Agent Cohen stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go.

"Agent Cohen make sure you check in with me the beginning of next week. I want to take another blood test."

September's head jerked and she grabbed Agent Cohen's arm. "Okay . . . let's go . . . slowly", as she led Agent Cohen out the door and down the hall under the watchful eyes of Dr. Noonan. September was petrified that any moment Dr. Noonan was going to call the guards and detain both her and Agent Cohen, and being locked up in a mental ward was not one of the things on her "To Do List".

September tried to keep her voice low not knowing how much of their conversation was being monitored. "We've got to get a sample of your blood to the FBI lab right away."

"Why do you need a sample of my blood?"

"I just want to make sure you're okay, that's all." September and Agent Cohen continued walking down the hallway and got on the next available elevator on its way to the lobby and out to the parking lot. They had made it.

[Meanwhile back upstairs]

Dr. Noonan received a telephone call.

"How's our patient?"

"Who is this?

"I ask the questions."

"He just checked himself out."

"Checked himself out? Is he ready?"

"Yeah, he should be fine, the test went well. Agent Foster came to get him."

"Who's Agent Foster?"

"I was hoping that you could tell me."

[1:45 P.M. - In the car heading away from the hospital]

September called the Sheriff's office on her cell phone. "May I speak to the Sheriff please . . . Sheriff? This is Agent Foster. I found Dr. Noonan back at the hospital today. Can you tell me if a missing person's report on Dr. Noonan was ever sent out?"

"Yes it was, but no one ever responded".

"Do me a favor, if you get a response, please call me and let me know."

"Sure, no problem." September pressed the END button on her cell phone. A million thoughts were racing through September's mind: What caused Agent Cohen to suddenly come out of the coma? When did Dr. Noonan reappear? If the doctor was involved did he stage his own disappearance and his house being ransacked? Or, was that really Dr. Noonan? Maybe he's still missing.

Her cell phone rang. "Foster".

"Agent Foster, this is the FBI Lab, Agent Dinah Weill dropped off a blood sample to be tested. I thought it would take longer, but we got a reading. There's some sort of strange chemical compound, slight traces of steroids, but it's got it's own unique markings. I've never seen anything like this before. It seems to be mimicking the drugs that we used to test on animals with aggressive behavior to calm them down. But, this is unlike anything I've ever seen before. There's some trace chemicals that no one in the lab can identify. I'm gonna run some more tests and I'll call you when I've got some new findings."

"Thank you. I appreciate your making this a top priority". September pressed the END button on the cell phone and ended the conversation.

She then called Kate. "Calloway".

"Kate, you'll never guess what happened to me."

Back to mission logs. 1