[JEH Building, Unit Tango office]

Lisa felt tired and exhausted, to put things lightly. Composing herself after her crying fit, she had leaned back and thought of all she had been through and how it had led up to this. Suspended. All because of Docker. Sandra wouldn't be home for another couple of hours and Lisa didn't feel like being cooped up for too long. Thinking of the paperwork that awaited her back at the office, she had gotten up, touched up her makeup, and went back.

As she strode into the office, she saw an unfamiliar face sitting nearest the door.

"Oh hello." The secretary smiled. "I'm Kayla Summers, and I was assigned as Tango's secretary."

"Secretary? When did Tango rate a secretary?" Lisa said, a smile crossing her lips. "I'm Lisa Anders...."

"Agent Anders." Kayla smiled. "Glad to meet you. I'm sorry if I startled you but they just told me of my assignment at the last minute."

"Not a problem." Lisa said, as she turned and walked towards her desk. "I just came by to pick up some paperwork that I need to do."

Kayla looked at Lisa with some confusion. "Oh, you mean you're not going to work on the new case?"

"New case?" Lisa asked, her curiousity getting the best of her.

"I put the case file on Agent Toussaint's desk. It has to do with that colonel found up in New York." Kayla said, blushing slightly knowing that she wasn't supposed to have read the contents.

Lisa smiled and was about to make her way to Anne's desk when the door to Tango's office was kicked in. In a matter of seconds, a barrage of bullets were flying around Lisa and Kayla.

Lisa shoved Kayla to the floor behind Emily's desk as she took out her spare gun from her holster. Looking at the doorway, there were two soldiers with machine guns spraying the office with bullets.

"Even suspended, I can't get a break." Lisa muttered, then she rose from behind the desk and squeezed off two shots, both hitting the men in the chest. To her surpise, it didn't drop them. Instead, they turned to the desk that she was behind and was about to fire when she squeezed off the rest of her clip taking their heads off. It was then that they dropped their guns and fell to the ground lifeless.

"Kayla, are you okay?" Lisa asked the visibly shaken secretary.

"Are things always this exciting?" she said, as she looked at the bodies lying in the doorway.

Lisa smiled and said, "You're lucky. This is only a mild day. You should see when the place really heats up."

Kayla then jumped a little as they both heard people running down the hall towards them. Lisa ejected her spent clip and popped a fresh one in when Emily and Miranda appeared in the doorway.

"My god." Randa said as she stared at the fallen corpses. "They're part of the squad that tried to kill us at Bravo."

Anne looked at the fallen duo and asked, "How can you tell?"

"The patch, that skull with the flaming eyes." Randa said, "It was on the uniforms of the squad that tried to kill us also."

Vynce stepped over the corpses and took a look at the inside of their office. "I guess it was due for some redecorating." he said as he stepped into the room.

"I hope it suits your style." Lisa said, with a smile on her face. "Group, this is Kayla Summers, our new secretary."

Kayla managed a smile and said, "Well, I guess I couldn't have asked for a more exciting welcome."

Anne walked over to the two women and shook Kayla's hand. She then turned to Lisa and said, "Agent Lisa Anders, I presume?"

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