[JEH Building - Tango Office]

Vynce relished the thought of tackling this case, already his excitement was turning out exactly the way he wanted it to since the sudden call back from the last case. It was also good to start working with and getting to know some of the other Agents that were to make up the unit Tango from now on. The sooner the better! Considering the circumstances, Agent Edwards was in a relatively relaxed mood too. Vynce planted his muscular frame down into the chair that housed a computer terminal in the office and started to prepare a fax that would eventually be destined for his mother back in London, England regarding the cases that had been mentioned in Colchester. If there was a link found regarding the English bodies and that of Colonel Martini in the U.S., things were definately going to get interesting one way or another...that was for sure.

Vynce scratched his chin momentarily, it was almost three days since he had last shaved and was starting to look like the typical 'tough-guy cop' you see on the TV these days he thought to himself, glancing at his reflection in the monitor screen as it went dark for an instant. He chuckled at this thought, humouring himself was something he often did when typing things out. Anne walked over to observe Agent Edwards progress and started conversation regarding the current case.

"So then, this is right up your street is it? I can tell by the look on your face...determined to see what mysteries lay behind this one no doubt? I will admit that it is indeed an interesting case for this unit to get off the ground with, your initial reactions Agent Edwards? Are you hoping to find anything in particular from your mother's response?" Anne spoke, completely intrigued by the English Agent's ways of working and thinking. Would his impressive record live up to the standards suggested in his bureau file? Time can only answer that question.

Vynce spun round to address Agent Toussaint, nearly ditching the coffee he had made earlier into his lap. This made Anne smile somewhat but Vynce didn't notice as he quickly buried his face into the screen of his monitor once more. "Well, it seems a fair way to travel from good old hometown in England to here for there to be a link, but maybe some of the soldiers found as 'mummified corpses' got tansfered over to the States, maybe that's how Mr Martini got into the state he did, could be a bacterial infection of immense ageing and disfigurement, who knows. Hey, maybe these military 'zombies' run on some kind of super powered un-leaded petrol that we don't know of and just kept on walking until they reached the U.S and decided to settle down here?" Vynce said smiling.

"My mother will give me the details of the bodies found in Colchester...if I'm not mistaken the total number of mumified bodies found in England so far is 16...however from what I can recall, all have been registered within two regiments of the queen's guards only...that's what makes things a tad strange for me, and the case is getting better by the minute you could say...just hope my own mother doesn't let me down with negative news!" Vynce concluded, giving Anne some things to think about.

Just then Lisa Anders came into the office and caught a moment with Agent Edwards, as Anne pulled out some files sitting at a desk just an arm-throw away. She reviewed all she had on the case so far while Vynce sent the fax and waited for a reply. He knew his mother would be working late at the office on Tuesday's, that was one thing he didn't like her doing when he lived back home with her, yet he knew the hours came with her job. He hated her working late nights, especially when she had to catch the public transport after her car broke down or something. There was roughly five hours difference from where he was now compared with England, so that would mean it would be reaching 9:30pm over in London.

"How's your injury Agent Edwards? Been meaning to ask you...just haven't had much of a chance to do anything lately" Lisa quipped, smiling as Vynce finished his coffee, then turned to lighting up his sixth cigarette of the evening.

"Oh it's fine...appreciate your asking. The odd twinge now and then, could have been alot worse I 'spose? Had to do something to save your butts didn't I?" Vynce joked, taking a long puff as he leaned back in his chair at the same time.

**A few minutes later**

"Hey! Here come the news...nothing like a good ol' trustin' mother" Vynce barked, stubbing his smoke out as he pulled several pages from the fax machine and started to read what was printed there. Anne dropped what she was reading and came over to listen to the latest update on the case.

"Ok, here you go...A list of names of the sixteen bodies found within the Queen's Division and the Royal Anglian guards regiment in Colchester alone, no reports of further outbreaks from any other barracks across England so far to date" Vynce bellowed, handing both Anne and Lisa papers of some of the victims information printed. "Aaaahh...yes!" Vynce snorted.

"What? Whats is it?" Anne roused, taking in some of the info in front of her.

"Well, what do you know! Seems our Colonel Martini had been in with our boys after all...there's a mention of him training the Royal Anglian guards regiment between 1994-96 here. Mother, I love ya!" Vynce said to no-one in particular, happy with what she had sent back as he pulled the final and seventh page from the fax copier......

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