alien.gif (4296 bytes)MUSIC WORLDalien.gif (4296 bytes)

This is my music world. A page with my favourite bands. It is constantly under construction so do drop in 'coz you might see a new look every time. Now, I'm still busy gathering lyrics for my enlarging lyrics archive, so if you have any lyrics I do not have, feel free to email to moi and I will be grateful for your help. Alright, below I have gotten hold of some links to my favourite bands, they are really some of the coolest site! Visit them if you happen to be their fan too!

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 eyeglas2.gif (1062 bytes) View My Own Cranberries Siteeyeglas2.gif (1062 bytes)

CRANTOON961.GIF (55540 bytes)

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Note: Still scouting for more links

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I always love to collect lyrics so now I'm doing a lyrics archive to consolidate all the lyrics I have collected all these years, must not let my efforts go down the drain. Hopefully, this section will be help to all those music lovers out there looking for lyrics. Yeah, one more  thing to mention, I have to give credit to my colleagues like Ryan, Chuan, Dhana and Farzin for helping me to type out the lyrics  even though they mostly did it out of boredom. Thanx alot!!

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The Lyrics Ring

This Lyrics Ring site is owned by Lynn

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