(This site was supposed to be under construction, but there was a strike and the builders didn't come to work)
Welcome toShlamko'spage!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't know who IS shlamko? shame on you!
no, don't surf to this default escape link ! PLEASE!

Now, really, I think it's time for you to know me. FIGURATIVELY!

Walk here to your time of your life!

 My name is Itay Shlamkovich. I am an Israeli 18 years old boy, smarter than average, much funnier than the average, much MUCH honest than the average!! 8-? (and I can do this face in real life!)

Well, I think it is enough for the introducing. Of course, if a huge lobby (or even a virtual surfer, not one of my real-life, flesh and blood, misunderstanding friends) of surfers will want more details, I will gladly provide them!!
It's here! The VERY unofficial "how to eat the Milki's cream last" page! !!
NEW! NEW! NEW! The one and only (for my knowledge) Background Gallery!
Go see the absolute mathematical curse
Learn some philsosophy
Shlamko invented a joke! (I take my credit very seriously, usually my jokes faded 2 seconds after they are said). So go HERE and see it!
Shlamko went to the the USA for a visit. Go to the Visit page and see the consequences!

And now for what you came for!
(most of you, I hope)
Why won't you surf to my bugs page? It has very common bugs!
Have you ever saw MIB? (men in black) THE film! THE legend! THE best answer to Dennis Rodman! I saw It at-least three times, and I am ready for more! you should really surf to MIB home page, but due to your being here, I am offering you a great wave clip, totally cool, featuring all the important characters, mixed up to be surprisingly connected! (even if I did it) so download the MIB wave clip zipped, unzip it and hear it out!
Don't have zip? try at  winzip. [and here is a nice warez to go with it, just unzip it! (yes, I know the irony)]
Here is a nice Shooting game (Kamery 5 on stage) for you to play. [you need shockwave, at Shockwave.]. Just remember to come back to this page!
Do you want some midi's? Star wars midi's? So hear them out!
main theme, battle theme, ceremony theme, destroying the death star, emperor's theme, finale, the forest battle, Han and Leia, Jabba the Hutt, Luke and Leia, The imperial march, the imperial march medley, medley, the Mos Eisley cantina, Parade of the Ewoks, Yoda's theme. All brought to you by MR. Data!

And if we're talking midi's, you should really want to surf to The complete Beatles (yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) midi page - by album!
And if we are talking Beatles- go to my superman page to hear them in a message.
The International Lyrics Server If a song is writen- here you'll find it's words.
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And of course- the MP3. you've probably heard about it, knowing it is some sort of hi-compressing method for sounds. Well, this site has no intention to explain about it. But, I can give you three things connecting to MP3: first, this is a link to The ""official"" MP3 page. Second, there is winamp, The BEST MP3 playing software, and third, A special version of the beatles Yellow Submarine , or the MP3 of the continuing story of Bungalow Bill. And, even if it's no big deal, maybe you go to my other homepage at geocities, or my other other page ?

Want some more links? Am I asking you?
I live in Holon. This is a very nice city (although dull) near Tel-Aviv, and it is the 4th biggest city in Israel. For more information, surf to Holon city hall and even see the map of my neighborhood!
I am in Area51- A sci-fi neighborhood. Well, NASA is also sci-fi (it's budget, anyway). So, you can surf to NASA (no link - I've never done it), OR, you can surf to NASA's space simulator ! If you love space, it is a MUST!
And because the is no page without sport, surf to my favorite basketball team - Hapoel Holon!
For the funniest time of your life, You should visit the Harsufim home page - íéôåöøç.
This site is the web biggest source (that I know of) of celebrities women! (not nude, but their is a link to nude ones too).
For the greatest screensavers, wallpapers and 3D pages links - try this. (worning- because this is the almost only funding in the net, this page have some very bold banners. that does'nt mean you should'nt surf it, but take care).
For all the sci-fi lovers over the internet, I can suggest some things: first, my booklist, the Israeli society for Science Fiction and Fantasy,
and the israeli star-trek fan club, Starbase972.
Here is the complete list of the Ferengi rules of acquisition, the rules for all of you who want to become wealthy.
Star trek in sound and vision- probably the biggest archive in the net for startrek sounds, texts, pictures and more, from all of star trek (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and the movies). Highly recomended for all.
This is probably the best cartoon parody site on the web-  The Sev Wide Web .
All you SMEGheads- before you drink any hot gespacho soup - go to the compleate Red Dwarf site - it's really complete!
And for the end of my links section, here is my list of friend's homepages!
Simple page- Asaf Helfer, The other side of the web- Meiri Badner, My HTML student- Dan Shulman,MP3 download- Moshe Hammer, The unupdated page- Eran Sthoeger, Missing links page- Yochai Rofeh and Anti homepages page- Omer Kidron!! (dont worry, I'll add on others when available)

This site is a proud member of the Vered Gilad Sites Web. There are some banners:Join the IXFDeForest Kelley memorialAnti Telad Hebrew Protest SiteAnti Telad English Protest Site

soon will be more!(That means, next time this site will be updated)
Gif of the year 1997. ENJOY!

The continuing story of bungalow bill, The beatles, White album

My UIN (ICQ's Number) is 4589383.
E-Mail me! please...Give me mail! YUM!
Use thisor thisor this E-mail adresses if you like, it's easier to me.
(all this addresses are just an excuse to display my mail pictures)8;)


And now some words from my sponsers (although my site is completely free):

SHLAMKO! the site you don't really need but really enjoy surfing to!

NMB Enterprises--Keep More of What's Rightfully Yours

