The U.S.S. Independence was the second major ship designed by Incom for Starfleet while still part of Excelsior Enterprises. More then just a modified Constitution class it incorporated many new features in its construction. A double hanger bay in the secondary hull and the low mounted warp engines. Of course the third engine mounted on the saucer was the biggest change. Also a directional sendor dish was mounted on the bottom of the saucer. |
Model Notes: This of course took 2 kits to build but I used the other parts to make a Saladin class destroyer. I sanded the whole thing to elminate the windows that had been molded in so I could drill new ones that were similar to the refitted Enterprise. The lower engines were fun figuring out as to how i would make the pylons attach. I ended up cutting a 45 degree angle at each end then flipping the plylons so I could use the existing holes. Worked great, would have been better if I had a miter to do it with. The drydock in the one picture was all done on the computer after scanning in a section of a crane from a magazine. |
All starships are models I have created. STAR TREK and all related imagery and copyrights and trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation. Star Wars is copyright Lucasfilm Ltd. Used without permission but since I'm not copyrighting the stuff who cares? |