Tal and Greetings!

      Gorean LifeStyle on the web!
 First off for those of you that don't know about Gor. It is a science fiction world which was  created in the late 60's. By John Norman.. He has written 25 Books based on his views of Gor. The first three books are now available in reprint at any local book store. If your interested in obtaining  any of the older books I would suggest that you visit your local used  book stores. It's a world in which females are slaves and man may do as they wish to them.
First off, let me explain a little bit of what Gor may be considered.
                   Taken from  the Book "Outlaws of Gor"
In the Gor novels, John Norman created his own alternate world, with intricate rules and behavior, caste systems and hierarchies of power. But the aspects of Counter Earth which most struck readers { in the 60's when the Outlaw of Gor, the second book released in the series was first published } were the sex roles of men and women and the sexual mores of gor. Men seek power and control. They are warriors, outlaws and Masters, and Priest Kings.
  Women, on the other hand, are ideally slaves - and though they may have their own kind of fierce pride, their behavior, by and large, is exactly what one might expect from creatures who are logically the result of unbridled male objectification.
 In the Gorean world, here on the net,,, This life style can be interesting and for some real. PLEASE  note Gor is not for everyone!!!! Here they don't recognize limits or safe words. The slaves are trained to obey all and respect everyone
no matter if the person they are talking to is their "Master" or not.
 On IRC in most Gorean channels, slaves address all free persons as Master/Mistress. And they are  not allowed the use of "me, I , mine" On Gor slaves own nothing. Not even their name.
You are about to enter a Gorean Hall located on the Street of Brands in Ar.

Warning you must be 21 to enter the hall.. if you have found yourself here by chance and/or  this is not right for you click here to be returned to a page in which you may find pleasing to view.

If you would like to learn about Gor and a bit about my hall and myself, and agree that something you may find on the page is not considered illegal where you live, and also that you do not find it offensive, please click below and be welcome to my home.
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Collar donated by Master Danath. And, I would like to acknowledge his kindness  in allowing me to use the picture and all his help touching it up.