Greetings from Chesapeake,       Virginia!  We moved in June and are enjoying 
       our new home and city.  Billy is working for Capital Group Companies
        and Becca is working for Benjamin and Harrison.  We both love our       jobs.  
       We bought a house in Chesapeake and appreciate all of the family-oriented       activities 
       the Hampton Roads area has to offer.  (Hampton Roads includes       Norfolk, Virginia Beach, 
       Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Newport News, and Hampton).  
Benjamin is       8 1/2 months old.  He's crawling, chasing the dogs, screeching, and       having a riot. 
       He has a big personality and loves to laugh at everything.  This       makes us laugh ourselves silly.  
       Of course, he needs to take a break occasionally.  He couldn't resist       falling asleep at the table after dinner 
       one night.  He found our stimulating and intellectual conversation       very dry.
Say       "hi"
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