Welcome to the Treasureroom!

Andy's Home Page

This is a section about me with some pictures.

This is another section about me with some pictures.

Pictures and list of the places I have been for work.


Pictures of cars I owned

This page is pics of me and friends.

Things I Like:
Sports Cars
The Offspring

Things that Suck:
Gas Prices
Waiting in line
Going to a Dentist
Crippled Parking Spaces
People who smoke when I'm eating

Treasureroom Productions
Angry Weapon II is a comedy about two NJ police detectives. We started with the second movie in the series. It was filmed between Janurary and May 2003 and released on DVD April 2K4. The DVD is a 2 disc set; the first disc contains the directors edition with a new scene or two. The second disc contains the deleted scenes, outtakes, and the full Castro movie. AWII was written and directed by myself and Jack Madison.
I am finished filming Angry Weapon I, the long awated prequel in Jan 2005. This movie was plagued with problems from day one. Everyone told me you cant make a movie with so many characters in it, especially when you are not paying them. Angry Weapon I stars myself as Frank Barnes. Pat Ott as Mendoza, Jack Madison as Roscoe and the Snowman, and newcomer Raychel Hughs as the young Lulu. It also features Ticky repriseing his roll as ShabazzX. We started Filming AWIII in 2006. It is still in progress.

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd had enough oxygen at birth?"

Click on the icon below to visit my Nintendo Page.

E-mail me at xx7xx@hotmail.com
This site has been on the internet since 2-10-98!

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