Halloween (Television Version) Script
Written by John Carpenter
Haddonfield, Illinois
October 31, 1963
(view of Myers house)
JUDITH MYERS: My parents won't be home until 10.
BOYFRIEND: Are you sure?
BOYFRIEND: We are alone aren't we?
JUDITH: Michael's around someplace (Boy puts on clown mask and begins
 kissing Judith)
JUDITH: Take off that thing!
BOYFRIEND: Let's go.
(Michael enters house, gets butcher knife from kitchen drawer)
BOYFRIEND (from upstairs): It's really late. I got to go.
JUDITH: Will you call me tomorrow?
BOY (descending stairs): Yeah, sure.
JUDITH: Promise?
(Boyfriend exits. Michael ascends stairs, enters Judith's room)
JUDITH: Michael!
(Michael stabs Judith repeatedly w/ knife, descends stairs, exits house)
(Parents arrive)
DAD: Michael?
(Mom and Dad stare at Michael, who holds a bloody knife)
Smith's Grove, Illinois
May 1, 1964
IMPORTANT MAN 1: Reading from the decision of Judge Walter Ward...
"I have no choice but to remand Michael Aubry Myers to the Smith's Grove
 Warren County Sanitarium, where he shall be placed in the care of a
 resident psychiatrist who shall report to this court no less than twice a
year. Further, Michael a. Myers shall be brought before the court on his
21st birthday, where he shall be tried as an adult for the murder of his
sister Judith Margaret Myers."
IMPORTANT MAN 2: Dr. Loomis?
LOOMIS: Michael Myers must be removed from this sanitarium immediately.
 I would suggest the maximum security ward.
IM2: Dr. Loomis, the decision has been made.
Dr. LOOMIS: But this is a minimum security institution. The staff isn't
adequately prepared.
IM1: Prepared for what? The boy is a catatonic. He exhibits comatose
 behavior. No reaction to external stimuli!
LOOMIS: Have your read my notes?
I.M.1: Yes we have, doctor.
LOOMIS: Why were they not presnted at the hearing?
I.M. 2: The judge requested Dr. Foster's analysis.
LOOMIS: I've spent 4 hours a day!! Four hours a day with this boy every day
for 6 months! Far longer than any court psychiatrist.
I.M.1: Dr. Loomis...
LOOMIS: Michael Myers is the most dangerous patient I have ever observed.
IM2: Doctor, there is no diagnostic evidence to support that statement.
LOOMIS: He's covering up! This catatona is a conscious act. There's an
instinctive force inside him. He's waiting.
IM2: For what?
LOOMIS: I don't know.
IM1: We can make a special reccomendation to the court only if we feel
there is a justifiable reason to change the patient's treatment. I can see
no reason why he shouldn't remain here. We have adequate facilities for
his care.
LOOMIS: There is insufficient security here. Please. I am begging you to
reconsider your decision.
IM2: Dr. Loomis, perhaps you should reconsider keeping him as your patient.
 We can find someone else to look after him.
LOOMIS: I'll stay with him.
IM1: Now, is there anything else you wish to say, Dr. Loomis?
(Loomis gets up, frustrated. exits)
(goes down the hall and enters Michael Myers' cell)
LOOMIS (to boy sitting in chair staring out window): You've fooled them,
haven't you, Michael? ...But not me.
Smith's Grove, Illinois
October 30, 1978
int govt. car driven by Nurse Marion Chambers
LOOMIS: you ever done anything like this before?
MARION: only minimum security
LOOMIS: I see.
LOOMIS: the driveway's a few hundred yards up on the right.
MARION: the only thing that ever bothers me is there gibberish. when they
start raving on and on.
LOOMIS: you haven't anything to worry about. Michael Myers hasn't spoken a
 word in fifteen years.
MARION: are there any special instructions?
LOOMIS: just try to understand what we're dealing with here.
LOOMIS: don't underestimate it.
MARION: don't you think we could refer to it as him?
LOOMIS: if you say so.
MARION: your compassion is overwhelming, doctor.
MARION: what do i give him when we take him in front of the judge.
LOOMIS: thorazine.
MARION: he'll barely be able to sit up.
LOOMIS: that's the idea.
MARION: you're serious about it aren't you?
LOOMIS: yeah.
MARION: you mean you actually never want him to get out?
LOOMIS: never, never...never.
MARION: why are we taking him up to harden county if you're just gonna-
LOOMIS: because that is the law. here we are.
MARION: since when do they let them wander around?
LOOMIS: pull up to the main gate.
MARION: shouldn't we--
LOOMIS: go on, move!
LOOMIS: stop here.
MARION: shouldn't we go on up to the hospital and--
LOOMIS: wait!
(gets out of car)
(the shape ascends on car.)
(Marion is forced to press gas, shape arm in window)
(goes to other side of car. shape smashes window, Marion panicking)
(Marion gets out of car, shape gets in, drives away)
(Loomis returns)
LOOMIS: are you alright? are you alright?
MARION: yes, I'm fine. (breathing heavily, on ground)
LOOMIS: he's gone! he's gone from here, the evil is gone!
(views of neighborhood)
ext strode house--
(Laurie exits, begins walking down sidewalk)
(Dad [Morgan Strode] exits)
DAD: don't forget to drop the key off at the Myers place.
LAURIE: i won't!
DAD: they're coming by too look at the house at 10:30. be sure to leave it
under the mat.
LAURIE: promise!
(turns corner, continues walking)
(crosses street)
TOMMY DOYLE (approaching): Laurie!
LAURIE: Hi Tommy.
TOMMY: Coming over tonight?
LAURIE: same time, same place.
TOMMY: can we make jack o' lanterns?
LAURIE: sure.
TOMMY: can we watch some monster movies?
LAURIE: sure.
TOMMY: will you read to me, can we make popcorn?
LAURIE: sure, sure, sure.
LAURIE: you better hurry up.
TOMMY: how come you're walking to school this way?
LAURIE: my dad asked me to.
TOMMY: why?
LAURIE: i have to drop off a key.
TOMMY: why.
LAURIE: he's gonna sell a house.
TOMMY: why?
LAURIE: 'cause that's his job!
TOMMY: where?
LAURIE: the Myers house.
TOMMY: the Myers house?!
(the two stop)
ext myers house--
TOMMY: you're not supposed to go up there.
Laurie (showing key): yes i am.
TOMMY: uh-uh. that's a spook house.
LAURIE: just watch.
(approaches front porch, puts key under mat, walks away)
int myers house-
(shape pops up and looks through window in door)
ext myers house-
TOMMY: Lonnie L said never to go up there. Lonnie L said that's a haunted
house. he said awful stuff happened there once.
LAURIE: Lonnie Lampe probably won't get out of the 6th grade.
TOMMY: i gotta go. (leaves)
LAURIE: bye.
LAURIE (singing): I wish I had you all alone, just the two of us...
(shape pops up again outside and stares at Laurie walking)
int smith's grove--
WOMAN ORDERLY: well, it took us most of the night to round up all the
patients. one of them was way over on the Morgantown road.
LOOMIS: who was watching him?
ORDERLY: i don't know.
LOOMIS: you don't know, what do you mean you don't know?
ORDERLY: it was supposed to be Bernard.
LOOMIS: supposed to be?
ORDERLY: well, he wasn't here at 10.
I don't know what happened.
LOOMIS: where was he?
ORDERLY: well...
LOOMIS: Bernard.
(enter torn up cell)
WOMAN ORDERLY 2: he must have broken the window with his hands.
ORDERLY: he came down the hall, breaking through all the doors, pushing
all of the patients outside.
LOOMIS: what was it you wanted to show me?
(orderly  closes door, revealing the word "sister" scratched into it)
ORDERLY: Dr. Loomis... have they found him yet?
LOOMIS: no, but i know where he's going. (exits and goes back down hall)
ORDERLY: Dr. Wynn is waiting to see you, doctor!
WYNN: I'm not responsible, Sam!
LOOMIS: Oh, no...
WYNN:  I told them how dangerous he was.
LOOMIS: You couldn't 've. Two road blocks and and all-points bulletin wouldn't stop a 5-yr.-old.
WYNN: well he's your patient, doctor. If precautions weren't strong enough
you should've told somebody.
LOOMIS: I told everybody!! nobody listened.
WYNN: there's nothing else I can do!
LOOMIS: you can get back in there and get back on that telephone and tell
them exactly who walked out of here last night and tell them exactly
where he's going!
WYNN: Probably going.
LOOMIS: I'm wasting my time.
WYNN: Sam, Haddonfield's 150 miles away from here. Now for God's sakes
he cant even drive a car!
LOOMIS: he was doing very well last night! Maybe somebody around here
gave him lessons.
(Loomis gets in car)
int Haddonfield High School---
TEACHER: ...and the book ends. But what Samuels is really talking about
here is fate. You see, fate caught up with several lives here. No matter
what course of action Collins took, he was destined to his own fate...
(as teacher continues, Laurie looks out window and sees the shape across
the street standing behind Loomis's car and staring at her)
TEACHER: how is Samuels' view of fate different from that of Costane? Laurie?
LAURIE: Ma'am?
TEACHER: answer the question.
LAURIE: Oh, um.. Costane wrote that fate was somehow related only to
religion, whereas Samuels felt that, well, fate was like a natural element,
 like earth, air, fire, and water.
TEACHER: that's right. Samuels definitely personified fate. In Samuels'
writing fate is immovable, like a mountain. It stands where man passes
away. Fate never changes.
(ext school)--
bell rings, children rush out. Last is Tommy  Doyle, walking slowly with a
pumpkin in arm)
(group of nasty kids following, teasing Tommy)
TOMMY: Leave me alone!
KIDS: He's gonna get you, he's gonna get you, he's gonna get you, he's gonna
get you!
RICHIE (moves forward): The bogeyman is coming. . .
TOMMY: Leave me alone!!
RICHIE: He doesn't believe us. Don't you know what happens on Halloween?
TOMMY: Yeah, we get candy.
(kids laugh)
KIDS: The bogey man, ooh the bogeyman, the bogeyman, the bogeyman, the
(kids trip Tommy as he leaves. Falls on pumpkin; it breaks)
(kids run away)
(Keith runs into the shape, then runs away. Shape walks, following Tommy,
from about 100 yards away. Gets in car, continues to follow Tommy, then
speeds away)
middle of nowhere--
view of sign saying "HADDONFIELD   73", otherwise interpreted as "73
Miles to Haddonfield"...
LOOMIS (in phone booth, talking on phone): He's on his way. You've got to
believe me, officer. He is coming to Haddonfield. Because I know him, I'm
his doctor. You must be ready for him. If you don't, it's your funeral. (hangs
(train noises)
(Loomis approaches deserted red truck, Michael's garments around, sees
match pack from the govt. car, runs away)
(view of dead body off to the side)
ext Haddonfield High--
LYNDA (to Laurie): Oh, look at all the books you have. You need a shopping
cart to get home.
LYNDA: Yeah, not funny. You know it's totally insane. We have 3 new cheers
to learn in the morning, the game is in the afternoon, I have to get my hair
done at 5, and the dance is at 8. I'll be totally wiped out!
LAURIE: I don't think you have enough to do tomorrow.
LYNDA: Totally.
LAURIE (turning corner, walking): As usual I have nothing to do.
LYNDA: It's your own fault and I don't feel a bit sorry for you.
ANNIE (approaching): Hey, Linda, Laurie, why didn't you wait for me?
LYNDA: We did, fifteen minutes. You totally never showed.
ANNIE: That's not true. Here I am.
LAURIE: What's wrong, Annie? You're not smiling.
ANNIE: I'm never smiling again. Paul dragged me into the boys locker room to--
LAURIE: Exploring uncharted territory?
LYNDA: Totally charted.
ANNIE: To just talk.
LYNDA: Sure, sure.
ANNIE: Old Jerko got caught throwing eggs and soaking windows. Parents
grounded him. He can't come over tonight.
LAURIE: I thought you were babysitting tonight.
LYNDA: The only reason she baby sits is to have a place to--
LAURIE: S_ _ t. . .
ANNIE: I have a place for that.
LAURIE: I forgot my chemistry book.
LYNDA: So who cares? I always forget my chemistry book, my English book,
 and, let's see, my French book, and... Well, who needs books anyway. I don't
need books. I always forget all of my books. I mean it doesn't really matter
 if you have your books or not.
(The shape approaches in Loomis' govt. car)
LYNDA: Hey, isn't that Devon Graham?
LAURIE: I don't think so.
LYNDA: I think he's cute.
ANNIE: Hey, jerk! Speed kills!!
(car screeches to a stop)
ANNIE: God, can't he take a joke?
(car moves again)
LAURIE: You know Annie, some day you're gonna get us all into deep trouble.
LYNDA: Totally.
(begin walking again)
ANNIE: I hate a guy with a car and no sense of humor.
LYNDA: Well are we still on for tonight?
ANNIE: I wouldn't want to get you in deep trouble, Lynda.
LYNDA: Oh, c'mon, Annie, Bob and I have been planning on it all week.
ANNIE: All right. The Wallaces leave at seven.
LAURIE: I'm babysitting the Doyles, it's only three houses down; we can
keep each other company.
ANNIE: Oh, terrific! I have 3 choices. Watch the kids sleep, listen to Lynda
play around or talk to you.
(continue walking & talking)
ANNIE: What time tonight?
LYNDA: I don't know yet. I have to get out of taking my little brother trick
or treating.
ANNIE: Treats for Bob?
LYNDA: Funn-ee. Seeya.
(Laurie sees the Shape standing behind bush ahead)
LAURIE: Annie, look.
ANNIE: Look where?
LAURIE: Behind the bush.
ANNIE: I don't see anything.
LAURIE: That guy that drove buy so fast? That one you yelled at...
ANNIE: Oh, suttle, sin't he?
(Annie approaches bush, hits it)
 ANNIE: Hey creep! ...Laurie, dear. He wants to tal;k to you. He wants to take
 you out tonight.
(Laurie approaches, sees nothing)
LAURIE: He was standing right there.
ANNIE: Poor Laurie. Scared another one away. It's tragic you never go out.
You must have a small fortune stashed from babysitting so much.
LAURIE: Guys think I'm too smart.
ANNIE: I don't. I think You're whacko. Now you're seeing men behind bushes.
ANNIE (approaching house): Well, home sweet home. See ya later.
(Laurie continues walking, runs into Sheriff Brackett [Annie's Father] )
LAURIE: Oh, Mr. Brackett, I'm sorry Mr. Brackett.
BRACKETT: Oh, I didn't mean to startle you.
LAURIE: I'm sorry.
BRACKETT: You know it's Halloween. I guess everyone's entitled to one
good scare, huh?
LAURIE: Yes, sir. Nice seeing you, sir.
(Walks away, approaches house, sees trick-or-treaters next door)
(enters house, goes up to room)
(goes to window, sees the Shape standing under the clotheslines over the
(Shape disappears)
(phone rings 2x)
LAURIE: Hello.
LAURIE: Hello?
LAURIE: Who is this?!
(slams down phone, it rings again)
LAURIE: Hello?
ANNIE: Why'd you hang up on me?
LAURIE: Annie? Was that you?
ANNIE: Of course.
LAURIE: Why didn't you say anything, you scared me to death.
ANNIE: I had my mouth open, couldn't you hear me?
LAURIE: I thought it was an obscene phone call.
ANNIE: Now you're hearing obscene chewing! You're losing it. Laurie.
LAURIE: I already lost it.
ANNIE: I don't doubt that. Listen. my mother's letting me use her car. I'll
pick you up. 6:30.
LAURIE: Okay. Bye.
(Laurie Hangs up)
(lays on bed)
LAURIE (to self): Just calm down. This is ridiculous.
a couple hours later--
(Laurie comes down stairs with towel on head and in bathrobe. Door bell
rings twice)
Laurie slowly answers it, opens the door.
LYNDA: Hurry up, hurry up!
LAURIE: What's wrong?
LYNDA: Shut the door, shut the door! Some guy is following me!
(they both look out the windows on the sides of the door)
LAURIE: Are you sure?
LYNDA: Yeah I'm sure. I think it's that guy that passed us in the street in
that station wagon. I couldn't see him very well, but I think it's Steve
Todd. His brother has a station wagon.
LAURIE: Well he was parked outside the school today. Right outside the window; he was staring at me.
LYNDA: Steve Todd was staring at you?
LAURIE: Somebody was. A while ago he was in my backyard.
LYNDA: Maybe he just wants a date.
LAURIE: Oh, shut up!
LYNDA: Well, someone could want a date!
LYNDA: Little joke?
LAURIE: So what do you want?
LYNDA: Oh, Laurie, I totally have nothing to wear tonight. I was kind of
hoping that you'd lend me that silk blouse that you got on your birthday.
LAURIE: I haven't even worn it yet.
LYNDA: I know but I promise I won't spill anything on it, or tear it or rip it
or do any of those things! Laurie...stop worrying! It was Steve Todd!
(phone rings 3x)
LYNDA: Well answer it; it's just a phone.
LAURIE (picking up receiver): Hello?
LYNDA (in a whisper): Who is it?
ANNIE: Laurie, I have to ask a big favor. I can't find anything to wear.
LAURIE (to Lynda): Annie. She wants to borrow something.
LYNDA: You promised!
LAURIE: No I didn't.
LAURIE (to Annie on phone): Hi. Lynda's here. She wants to borrow my new
ANNIE: Lynda's a creep! That guy still creeping around your backyard?
LAURIE: He followed Lynda over here.
ANNIE: Well if you see him just go right up to him and tell him to buzz off!
Or if he's cute, ask him out.
LAURIE: Annie, I gotta go. You gonna pick me up?
ANNIE: Right after dinner. Hey, how about that ski sweater you got for
LYNDA (to phone): Bye, creep!
ANNIE: See ya.
(hangs up)
LYNDA: Where's the blouse?
LAURIE: It's in my closet.
(Lynda runs up stairs)
LAURIE: Promise me you won''t rip it?
LYNDA: I totally promise.
LAURIE: I totally don't believe you.
ext. strode house
(Laurie exits, walks down sidewalk w/pumpkin and stuff)
(sits on corner stone, watches early trick-or-treaters)
(Annie's car approaches across the street--Laurie runs across and enters it)
ANNIE: Hurry Up!
(yellow BMW pulls up--Loomis and Graveyard Caretaker exit)
CARETAKER: Yeah. Judith Myers. Myers. Row 18, Lot 20.
You know every town has something like this happen. I remember over in
Russelville, old Charlie Bowles. About 15 years ago. One night he finished
dinner, and he excused himself from the table. And he went out into the
garage, and he got himself a hacksaw. And then he went back into the
house, kissed his wife and his two children goodbye, and then he
LOOMIS: Where are we?
CARETAKER: Oh, it's, uh, right over here.
Yeah, Myers, Judith Myers. I remember her. Such a young boy.
LOOMIS: Whatsa matter, you lost?
CARETAKER (observing empty spot where tombstone should be): Why do
they do it? Damn kids. They'd do anything for Halloween.
LOOMIS: Whose grave is it?
CARETAKER: Oh, I don't know. 18, 19... Judith Myers.
LOOMIS: He came home.
int Annie's car-day
("Don't Fear the Reaper"-Blue Oyster Cult, on radio)
ANNIE (to Laurie): You still spooked?
LAURIE: I wasn't spooked.
LAURIE: I wasn't! I saw someone standing in Mr. Riddle's backyard.
ANNIE: Probably Mr. Riddle.
LAURIE: He was watching me.
ANNIE: Mr. Riddle was watching you? Mr. Riddle is 87!
(the govt. car begins following Annie's car)
LAURIE: He can still watch.
ANNIE: It's probably all he can do. What's the pumpkin for?
LAURIE: I brought it for Tommy. I thought carving a jack o' lantern would
keep him occupied.
ANNIE: I always said you'd make a fabulous girl scout.
LAURIE: Thanks.
ANNIE: For that matter I might as well be a girl scout myself tonight. I
plan on making popcorn and watching Dr. Dimension. Six straight hours of
horror movies. Little Lindsey Wallace won't know what hit her.
(they approach hardware store; alarm going off; Brackett outside)
ANNIE: Look, there's my dad.
(car stops, Dad approaches)
BRACKETT: Hi Annie, Laurie.
ANNIE: Hi Dad! What happened?
ANNIE: What happened?!
BRACKETT: Oh, ah, someone broke into the hardware store, probably kids.
ANNIE: You blame everything on kids.
BRACKETT: Well all they took was a Halloween mask, a rope, and a couple
of knives. Who do you think it was?
Annie (to Laurie): Hard growing u with a cynical father.
BRACKETT: Aren't you gonna be late--
(alarm stops)
BRACKETT: I said aren't you gonna a be late--
ANNIE: He shouts too.
BRACKETT: Bye girls.
ANNIE: Bye Dad!
(car leaves, Loomis approaches)
LOOMIS: Sheriff! Pardon me, I'm uh, Loomis. Dr. Sam Loomis.
BRACKETT: I'm Lee Brackett.
LOOMIS: I'd like to have a word with you if I could.
BRACKETT: It may be a few minutes, I gotta--
LOOMIS: It is important.
BRACKETT: Ten minutes.
LOOMIS: I'll be here.
(the shape's car turns the corner in b.g)
int Annie's car-dusk
LAURIE: What are you gonna wear to the dance tomorrow night?
ANNIE: I didn't know you thought about things like that, Laurie.
You know, you could ask somebody.
LAURIE: No, I couldn't.
ANNIE: Sure you could. All you have to do is go up to somebody and s say
you wanna got to the dance?
LAURIE: You could do that, I couldn't.
ANNIE: Well you can ask Dick Baxter, he'd go out with you.
LAURIE: I'd rather go out with Ben Tramer.
ANNIE: Ben Tramer? I knew it! So you do think about things like that, huh
LAURIE: Shut up.
ANNIE: He's cute! Ben Tramer!
(The shape still follows the car)
 ext. car-night
(Car stops, Laurie exits, approaches house, govt. car parks on side of
ext. Myers house-night--
(Brackett and Loomis approach)
LOOMIS: Does anybody live here?
BRACKETT: No, not since 1963 when it happened. Every kid in Haddonfield
thinks this place is haunted.
LOOMIS: They may be right.
(enter house)
LOOMIS: What is that?
BRACKETT: It's a dog.
LOOMIS: He got hungry.
BRACKETT: Coulda been a skunk. Man wouldn't do that.
LOOMIS: This isn't a man.
(they ascend stairs, reach 2nd floor, enter Judith's old room)
LOOMIS: It happened in here. She was sitting right here. He could've seen
her through this window. Standing on the lawn, he could have seen her--
(broken gutter crashes through window, breaks it. Loomis pulls out gun)
LOOMIS: You must think me a very sensitive doctor. Oh, I do have a permit.
(reaches in coat pocket)
BRACKETT: Seems to me you're just playing scared.
LOOMIS: Yeah, I am, ah...
I met him 15 years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no
conscience, no understanding, not even the most rudimentary sense of life
or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this 6-year-old child with
this blank, pale, emotionless face and the blackest eyes. The devil's eyes. I
 spent 8 years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep
him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boys
eyes was purely and simply...evil.
BRACKETT: What do we do?
LOOMIS: He's been here once tonight. I think he'll come back. I'm going to
wait for him.
BRACKETT: I still think we should notify the radio and television net--
LOOMIS: No. If you do that they'll see him on every street corner, they'll
look for him in every house. Just tell your men to keep their mouths shut
and their eyes open.
BRACKETT: I'll check back in an hour. (descends stairs, exits.)
ext. Doyle house--
LAURIE: How now, cried Arthur, let no one pass this way without a fight.
That so, said the knight, in a bold and haughty manner.
TOMMY: I don't like that story.
LAURIE: I thought king Arthur was your favorite?
TOMMY: Not anymore.
(pulls comic books from under sofa)
LAURIE: Why do you keep 'em under there?
TOMMY: Mom doesn't like me to have 'em.
LAURIE: Laser Man, Neutron Man...I can understand why. Tarantula Man.
TOMMY: Laurie, what's the bogeyman?
(phone rings, Laurie answers it)
LAURIE: Doyle residence.
ANNIE: It's me!
LAURIE: Hi, Annie, what are you doing?
ANNIE: Making popcorn. Having fun? Never mind, I'm sure you are. I have big
news for you.
(dog begins barking at Annie)
ANNIE: Oops. Hold on. Hi, Lester. I'm about to be ripped apart by the family
LAURIE: (laughs)
ext. Wallace house
(The Shape watches Annie from the window.)
ANNIE: Lindsey, get this dog out of the kitchen right now!
(Lindsey is absorbed in TV.)
ANNIE: I hate that dog. I'm the only person in the world he doesn't like.
LAURIE: So what is this big, big news?
ANNIE: What would you say if I told you that you were going to the
homecoming dance tomorrow night?
LAURIE: I'd probably say you have the wrong number.
ANNIE: Well, I just talked with Ben Tramer and he got real excited when I
told him how attracted you were to him.
LAURIE: Oh, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't. How could you do that? I
mean how could you just call a person up like that? I can't believe you.
(Tommy gets up and peers out window. He sees the Shape across the street)
LAURIE: Oh, I'm so embarrassed. I couldn't even face him. Oh...
TOMMY: Laurie, the bogeyman's outside. Laurie he's out there. Laurie, the
bogeyman's outside, look.
LAURIE: Hold on.
(looks out window)
LAURIE: Tommy, there's nobody outside. Go watch TV. (back to phone) Just
ext Wallace house
(Shape still watches Annie)
ANNIE: Look, it's simple. You like him, he likes you, all you need is a little
push! Well, it won't hurt you to go out with him for heaven's sake. Shoot!
No, I just made a mess of myself I gotta call you back. (hangs up) Oh yuck!
(takes off shirt and pants, gets new shirt and puts it on.)
(Shape leaves, knocks down a plant in the process, pot breaks, Annie
ignores it)
(Annie finds detergent)
(dog begins barking at the Shape)
ANNIE: Lindsey, Lester's barking again and getting on my nerves again!
(dog whimpers away)
ANNIE: Never mind. Guess he found a hot date.
Michael has killed the dog.
int. Doyle house
(Tommy and Laurie watch TV)
TOMMY: What about the jack-o-lantern?
LAURIE: After the movie.
TOMMY: What about the rest of my comic books?
LAURIE: After the jack-o-lantern.
TOMMY: What about the bogeyman?
LAURIE: There's no such thing.
TOMMY: Richie said he was coming after me tonight.
LAURIE: Do you believe everything Richie tells you?
LAURIE: Tommy, Halloween night...it's when people play tricks on each
other. It's all make believe, I think Richie was just trying to scare you.
TOMMY: But I saw the bogeyman! I saw him outside.
LAURIE: There was nobody outside.
TOMMY: There was.
LAURIE: What'd he look like?
TOMMY: The bogeyman.
LAURIE: We're not getting anywhere. Alright. The bogeyman can only come out on Halloween night, right?
TOMMY: Right.
LAURIE: Well I'm here tonight. I'm not about to let anything happen to you.
TOMMY: Promise?
LAURIE: Promise.
TOMMY: Can we make the jack-o-lantern now?
LAURIE: Let's go.
ext. Wallace house--
(Annie walks trail to utility room, still only wearing a shirt and panties)
(light switch doesn't work)
ANNIE: Oh, terrific!
(door slams shut)
ANNIE (getting Tide detergent): Hello? Whose there? Paul, is this one of
your cheap tricks?
(looks outside, sees nothing)
ANNIE: Guess not. No tricks for Annie tonight.
(puts clothes in washer, adds detergent, turns it on)
(door slams shut, Annie knocks on it several times)
ANNIE: Lindsey! Lindsey, come out here! Lindsey! I'm in the laundry room and the door won't open!
int. house
TV: C'mon, everybody, we're gonna try to figure out the shape of this thing!
(Annie is still watching TV)
TV: Holy cats! Hey.. Yeah... Almost a perfect drop... We finally got one... We found a flying saucer!
(phone rings)
laundry room--
ANNIE: Oh, Lindsey get the phone. It's Paul! Lindsey! Lindsey!
int house
(Lindsey answers phone)
PAUL: Hi, Lindsey this is Paul. Is Annie there?
LINDSEY: Yes, she is.
PAUL: Get her for me, will you?
LINDSEY: She's washing her clothes.
PAUL: Just tell her it's me, okay?
LINDSEY: Okay. (hangs up phone)
(Lindsey runs out to laundry room)
LINDSEY: Annie, Paul called!
A (from inside): Ow!
(Lindsey runs to laundry room, enters)
LINDSEY: You locked yourself in.
ANNIE: I know!
(Lindsey approaches Annie, who is stuck in the window)
ANNIE: Pull my foot, I'm stuck! Ah!
(Lindsey pulls foot, Annie gets out of window)
ANNIE: Now promise me you won't tell anybody about this.
(exit laundry room, phone rings)
(run to the house, Lindsey answers phone)
LINDSEY: She got stuck in the window, she'll be right here. (hands phone to
ANNIE: Hello.
PAUL: Hi, Annie.
ANNIE: Oh, hi, Paul. Look, it could happen to anyone.
PAUL: Sure, stuck in a window.
ANNIE: Yeah, but I've seen you stuck in plenty of other positions.
PAUL: My parents are gone.
ANNIE: Oh, that's fabulous, when did the leave?
PAUL: About a half hour ago.
ANNIE: Oh, utterly fantastic.
(shape is watching in b.g.)
ANNIE: Why don't you just walk over?
PAUL: Come and pick me up.
ANNIE: I can't come now, my clothes are in the wash. Oh, shut up, jerk. God,
 I've got a shirt on. That's all you ever think about!
PAUL: I think that's all you ever think about.
ANNIE: That's not true, I think about lots of things.
(Annie enters TV room)
LINDSEY: I'm scared.
ANNIE: Why are you sitting here with all the lights off?
LINDSEY: I don't know.
ANNIE: Well, c'mon get your coat, we're going to pick up Paul.
LINDSEY: I don't want to.
ANNIE: Look, Lindsey, I thought we understood each other.
LINDSEY: I wanna stay here and watch this.
ANNIE: Okay. Well if I can fix it so you can watch TV wit Tommy Doyle
would you like that?
ANNIE: Well, come with me!
(exit house, run across street, Shape pops up and stares at them after they
 run to the porch)
int. Doyle house--
(doorbell rings)
ANNIE: Hi, Tommy.
TOMMY: Hi, come on in, we're making a jack-o-lantern.
Lindsey: I want to watch television...
LAURIE: Annie, I'm here.
(enter kitchen, Laurie carving jack-o-lantern)
LAURIE: Oh, fancy. (observing Annie's apparel
ANNIE: This has not been my night. I spilt butter all over my clothes and
there in the wash. I got stuck in the laundry room--
LAURIE: Lemme tell you something, I'd like you to call Ben Tramer and tell
him that you were just fooling around.
ANNIE: I can't.
LAURIE: Yes you can.
ANNIE: No. He went drinking w/ Mike Godfrey and he won't be back till late.
You'll have to call him tomorrow. Besides, I';m on my way to pick up Paul.
LAURIE: Waitaminute...
ANNIE: If you watch her, I'll consider talking to Ben Tramer in the morning.
LAURIE: Deal. Thought Paul was grounded.
ANNIE: He was. Old Jerko found a way t sneak out. Listen, I'll call you in an
hour or so, okay?
(Annie exits)
LAURIE: The old girl scout comes through again.
ext. Wallace house--
(Annie goes to garage)
ANNIE (singing): Oh Paul, I give you all...
(pulls car door handle; it is locked)
ANNIE: No keys, but please my heart...
(goes to house, picks up keys from Living Room, find keys)
ANNIE: (continues singing about Paul)
int. Wallace garage
(gets in car,  windows are foggy)
(Annie stops whistling)
(The Shape lunges from behind, strangles Annie, then knifes her. She dies)
int. Doyle house--
(the 2 kids are watching TV)
(Tommy gets up, goes behind sofa, hides behind curtain)
TOMMY (menacing tone): Lindsey, Lindsey...
LINDSEY: Where are you?
(Tommy looks out window and sees the Shape carrying a dead body)
Tommy (screaming): I saw the bogeyman! He's outside. The bogeyman's
outside! The bogeyman he's outside!
LAURIE (approaching): Oh, Tommy, stop it!! You're scaring Lindsey! Tommy
stop it, now there's nobody out there. There's no bogeyman. Now if you
don't stop all this I'm gonna have to turn off the TV and send you to bed.
TOMMY: Nobody believes me.
LINDSEY: I believe you, Tommy.
(Laurie exits, TV watching resumes)
ext. Myers house
(Loomis observes the KIDS approaching the house)
LONNIE: I'm not afraid.
LONNIE: I'm not.
RICHIE: Then go in!
LONNIE: (approaches house)
RICHIE: Chicken!
KEITH: Go ahead, Lonnie!
RICHIE: Go in!
LOOMIS (whispering): Hey, Lonnie! Get your ass away from there...
(all three run away)
(Brackett approaches, and scares Loomis)
BRACKETT: You alright?
BRACKETT: Nothin's goin' on except kids playing pranks, parking, getting
high... I have a feeling that you're way off on this.
Loomis: You have the wrong feeling.
BRACKETT: You're not doing very much to prove me wrong.
LOOMIS: What more do you need?
BRACKETT: Well it's gonna take more than fancy talk to keep me up all
night crawling around these bushes.
LOOMIS: I--I--I watched him, for 15 years. Sitting in a room, staring at
the wall, not seeing the wall, looking past the wall, looking at this night,
inhumanly patient. Waiting for some secret, silent alarm to trigger him
off. Death has come to your little town sheriff. You can either ignore it, or
 you can help me to stop it.
BRACKETT: More fancy talk. Doctor, do you know what Haddonfield is?
Families, children, all lined up in rows, all up and down these streets.
You're telling me they're lined up for a slaughterhouse.
LOOMIS: They could be.
BRACKETT: Alright, I'll stay with you here tonight. Just in the chance that
you're right. An if you are right, damn you for letting him go.
ext.- Wallace house--
(Blue van approaches, stops, out come Lynda and boyfriend Bob)
(Bob picks Lynda up and carries her to the porch, they both enter the house)
LYNDA: Bob this is totally silly, put me down!!
LYNDA: Hey, it's totally dark.
BOB: Yeah.
LYNDA: Hey, Annie! Annie! We're here!
BOB: I wonder where they went.
LYNDA: Oh, Annie probably took Lindsey out for something.
(door shuts)
LYNDA: Hey, look for a note.
BOB: They didn't write a note.
(the two begin kissing, they get on couch and begin to make out)
(Shape is in the house, watching from feet away...)
Int. Doyle house--
TOMMY: He's gonna getchya!
LINDSEY: No, he's not.
LAURIE: Hey, nobody's getting anybody now stop.
(TV talks)
LAURIE (looking out window): Everybody's having a good time tonight. All
right, you guys, what's next?
LINDSEY: Let's make more popcorn.
TOMMY: Yeah!
LAURIE: No, I think we've had enough. How 'bout we watch the rest of the
(they sit down on sofa & watch TV)
(phone rings)
LAURIE: Doyle House.
LYNDA: What's up?
LAURIE: Oh, just sitting down for the first time tonight.
LYNDA: Hey is Annie around?
LAURIE: I thought she'd be home by now. She went to pick up Paul.
LYNDA: Well she's totally not here.
LAURIE: Probably stopped off some place. Have her call me when she gets
back in, though, I have Lindsey here and I want to know what time to put
her to bed.
LYNDA: Oh-kay! Later!
LAURIE: Have a good time.
LYNDA: We definitely will.
(hangs up)
LYNDA (to Bob): Lindsey is gone for the night.
BOB: Hey. Now that's wonderful!
(they get up to head upstairs)
int. Doyle House
(Laurie stares out the window as the TV keeps talking.)
int. Wallace house
(Bob and Lynda lay in bed)
LYNDA: Want a beer?
BOB: Yeah.
LYNDA: Is that all you can say?
BOB: Yeah.
LYNDA: Go get me a beer.
BOB: I thought you were gonna go get me one?
LYNDA: Yeah?
BOB: I'll be right back. Don't get dressed.
(Bob leaves and Lynda stays in bed smoking)
(Bob descends stairs and goes to kitchen, opens refrigerator, gets out two
(looks around, senses someone)
BOB: Annie? Paul? Linda, you a**hole.
(opens door to see nothing)
BOB: C'mon out.
(opens other door, Shape burst out and begins strangling Bob against Wall,
stabs him with knife)
(the Shape looks at Bob, who is stabbed to the wall...)
in the bedroom--
(Lynda is filing her nails)
(door opens, figure stands in ghost costume w/Bob's glasses)
LYNDA: Well, did you get my beer?
Cute Bob, real cute.
(Lynda sits up and drops the sheet)
LYNDA: See anything you like? (giggling)
What's the matter, can't I get your ghost, Bob? (laughing)
Alright, alright, c'mon, where's my beer?
(Ghost breathes)
LYNDA: Well can't you answer me?
Okay, don't answer me.
(gets up and goes to phone)
LYNDA: Well I'm calling Laurie. I wanna know where Paul and Annie are.
This is going nowhere.
int Doyle house--
(phone rings)
LAURIE: Finally.
back in the Wallace house--
(The Shape drops ghost costume and strangles Lynda to death with
telephone cord. Laurie hear's several short squeals)
int Doyle house--
LAURIE: Hello? Hello? Alright Annie, first I hear your famous chewing,
now I get your famous squealing? Annie?! Are you fooling around again?
I'll kill you if this is a joke. Annie! Annie?
(Michael picks up phone)
int Doyle House--
(Laurie goes to window, looks across street, begins dialing phone again.)
(phone rings over and over again)
(Laurie hangs up)
(Laurie ascends stairs, looks in room and sees Tommy and Annie sleeping
in a queen bed)
LAURIE: Sleep tight, kids.
ext Myers house--
(Loomis looks across street and sees the govt. car the shape has driven)
(goes over to it, sees "For Official Use Only" on door)
int Doyle house--
(Laurie heads back downstairs to the living room, gets keys)
(exits house, begins walking across street to Wallace house)
(approaches house, walks up to porch, rings doorbell)
LAURIE: Bob? Lynda?
(walks off of porch, looks up at house)
LAURIE: Lynda?
(walks over to side of house)
(sees open door to kitchen)
LAURIE: Annie? Lynda? Bob?
(enters house, closes door)
LAURIE: Alright, Annie.
(walks into living room, expecting to be scared by Bob & Lynda)
(hears noise)
LAURIE: Alright, you meat heads, joke's over. Alright, Annie. That's enough!
It's most definitely stopped being funny now cut it out!
You'll be sorry.
(slowly ascends stairs)
(sees light from doorway ahead)
(opens door, sees Annie's dead body lying on bed under tombstone of Judith
(stumbles  to the side, dead body of Bob swings down)
LAURIE: Aaayyhhh!
(door opens and dead body of Lynda is revealed)
LAURIE: (screams)
(exits room, crying)
(The Shape appears in doorway, slices her shoulder w/ knife)
(Laurie falls over railing and down stairway)
(Shape begins walking swiftly down stairway)
(Laurie gets up, goes to kitchen, pulls door, it is locked)
(Shape begins pulling on other locked kitchen door thru which Laurie
entered, pounds hand thru wood, unlocks door from inside, opens it)
(Laurie breaks glass door w/ hand, unlocks it and runs out)
ext Wallace House--
(Laurie goes to front lawn)
LAURIE: Please!! Please help me!!! God, help me, please!!!
(approaches house next door, knocks on door, porch light come son)
LAURIE: Will you please help me?! Please!!!
(blinds on window open, then close)
LAURIE: Help me!! Aaayyhh!
(runs across street)
ext Doyle house--
(Laurie approaches door, tries to find keys, then pounds on door)
LAURIE: Tommy! Tommy!
(picks up pot plant, throws it at Tommy's window)
TOMMY (from upstairs window): Who is it?
LAURIE: Tommy open up, it's me!!!
TOMMY: Okay.
(Tommy goes downstairs)
(Shape is walking fast across street)
LAURIE: Tommy hurry up!! Tommy please!! (knocking on door) Tommy!!
int Doyle house-
(Tommy slowly approaches door, opens it)
(Laurie bursts in, closes door, locks it)
LAURIE: Get upstairs!
TOMMY: Laurie?
LAURIE: Get up to your room, now!!
TOMMY: I'm scared.
LAURIE: Do as I say! Hurry!!
(picks up phone; it's dead)
(realizes window is open, Shape must be in the house)
LAURIE: Oh, no. Ohh....
LAURIE (whimpering): Make him stop. Please...
(Shape lunges at her from behind sofa, Laurie stabs crochet needle into his
(Shape pulls it out, drops to floor)
(Laurie thinks bogeyman is dead)
ext street--
(Loomis is walking down street aimlessly, Brackett approaches in police car)
BRACKETT: Where were you? I went to the Myers house. you weren't there--
LOOMIS: I found the car, he's here.
LOOMIS: He's 3 blocks down. You go around the back of the houses, I'll
watch the front. Go on!!
(Brackket & car leave)
(Loomis continues walking)
int Doyle house--
(Laurie ascends stairs, goes to Tommy 7 Lindsey's room)
LAURIE: Tommy, Lindsey?
(kids exit, Laurie hugs them)
LAURIE: I'm gonna take a little walk.
TOMMY: But the bogeyman...
LINDSEY: I'm scared.
LAURIE: There's nothing to be scared of.
TOMMY: Are you sure (Laurie nods) How?
LAURIE: I killed him.
TOMMY: You can't kill the bogeyman...Aaahhhh!!!
(Tommy & Lindsey run to room and lock themselves in as the Shape stands
across the hall, Laurie goes into other room and hides in closet)
(Shape enters room as Laurie locks the closet door)
(Laurie sees Shape's shadow in front of door, door begins rattling)
(Shape punches thru door, turns on light in closet, Laurie screams)
(Laurie grabs hanger and begins to straighten out coat hanger)
(light goes off, Laurie stabs hanger in Shape's eye, he drops knife and falls
 to the ground)
(Laurie goes across hall, knocks on door)
LAURIE: Tommy, unlock the door.
(door opens)
LAURIE: I want you to listen to me.
(kids kneel in front of Laurie as she squats down)
LAURIE:  I want you to go out of the house, go down the street to the
Mackenzie's house. I want you to knock on their door, I want you tell 'em to
 call the police and tell them to send them over here. All right?
TOMMY: All right.
LAURIE: Now do as I say.
(kids get up)
(kids exit)
ext Doyle house--
(Loomis sees two kids run out of house, screaming)
int house--
(Laurie rises from floor, Shape rises in b.g, begins slowly following
(Shape grasps on to Laurie, she turns around and Shape begins grasping her
(Loomis rushes upstairs)
(Laurie manages to get away, Shape's mask falls off, he slowly puts it
back on)
(Loomis shoots him, runs to other room [w/ balcony], and shoots five more
(Shape stumbles to balcony, falls over railing to ground)
LAURIE: Was it the bogeyman?
LOOMIS: As a matter of fact, it was.
(Loomis runs to balcony, looks over, sees nothing. The Shape is gone)
(we see shots of the int Doyle house, ext Doyle house, ext Wallace house,
ext Myers house, we hear Shape's heavy breathing...)
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