BIO – More info than you really want.

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Last update Monday, March 8th, 2004

Name: Richard D. Asplund Jr. yes I am a pretentious ass.
Age: 31 damn I'm getting old.... it seems like just yesterday I was.... what was I saying again??
Location: Crown Point, Indiana There's more than corn in Indiana... there are kids here too, but just ask Stephen king what happens when you put children and corn together........
Qoute: To be the best you must loose your mind./ It's not how far you go it's how go you far. – Dean Cameron as Dave Marshak in "Ski School"
Hobbies: Too damn many to list trust me their mine... Reading / Writing, Computers, Paintball, Violent Video Games..... Movies....
Bio: Born April 22 1973, Easter Sunday. Rich has lead an odd life not exciting, just odd. Mostly boring in fact just odd. Rich is 6'4" Tall and 450 lbs. For those of you on metric thats roughly 1.95 meters and 204.55 Kilos.. If I were drugs I'd make someone very wealthy..... But that's neither here nor there. Enough of this Rich is crap it's me talking so I'll use the first person. I'm an amature writer trying to finish some stories, and maybe hopefully get them published some day. I went to a normal high school in bfe Indiana, I started college and stopped a few times, I'm a professional geek I work a helpdesk for a decent sized distribution company. Correction, I was downsized in November 2002 form the distribution comapny. I now work helpdesk for an outsource helpdesk company. I work for SEI Information Technology, I work on a team that provides a 24 / 7 helpdesk for a lawfirm. Update, as of January 1st 2004 I am now the Supervisor of my team. I think I'm a pretty hoopy frood, and anyone who doesn't understand that can let it slide but the rest of us will sit back and mock you because we can. Any questions email them to and I'll get you an answer either emailed back to you or posted here on the site somewhere.
I've decided to stop paintball (well tournament stuff just playing around I'm gonna keep at it) alltogether. My knees are just too blown from heaving this frame around. Though I may start participating in SCA. (Smacking other around with large padded swords and such)
Really of late there isn't a lot tro report... The Nightshade story line is being worked into a comic book by a artist friend of a friend and me, there are a couple more artists looking for story lines so I may pitch some out to them... writing is going okay still doesn't pay anything at all but time will change that I hope....
Work is great, Still with SEI over a year now...
Links: Yes that damn Hitchhikers Guide face will be on every site I do until I get a cease and desist from Douglass Adams or his estate since if I rememebr correctly he has passed on....

No Current Links Set Up - All links broken looking for new and better ones...

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