My Memorial Wall

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Last update Sunday, December 14th, 2003

This page is an Addition to my normal stupid and odd antics.
This is to honor the fallen in my life, those that died that gave something special to me. There are going to be two sections under this heading one that are personal friends and family that I've lost, adn the second I consider honorary members, those that honor because though htey never knew me and I might not have known them in person did somethign special to Touch my Life.

Close Ones

Enda Mella Sellars - Brady - Elliot - My Maternal Gramma - She taught me the value of making someone smile and how to get joy by bringing to others.

Timothy Arnold Reed - Oldest Sister's 2nd husband. Taught me a lot about accepting anothers beliefs, and was a truly great friend and father. he was the first one to prove to me that not all Baptists need tou be rounded up and slaughtered. (bad episode with Baptists at a young age where they told me my mother was going to hell because we're Methodist)

Honorary Fallen

Albert Einstein

Sir Arthur conan Doyle

Erich Weiss aka Harry Houdini

Douglas Adams

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