
Goddess Culture Rulership
Anu Celtic Health, prosperity, and comfort
Aphrodite Greek Love, beauty
Arianrhod Celtic Beauty, fertility, and reincarnation
Artemis Greek The moon, the Hunt
Athena Greek Wisdom, war
Babd Celtic Life, wisdom, inspiration
Banba Celtic Protection
Blodeuwedd Celtic Flowers, initiations
Boann Celtic Healing
Branwen Celtic Love and beauty
Brigit Celtic Medicine, smithing, and witchcraft
Ceridwen Celtic Magick, herbs, and knowledge
Creidyad Celtic Love and flowers
Danu Celtic Prosperity, water, and magick
Don Celtic Element and eloquence
Druanthia Celtic Sexuality, trees, knowledge, and creativity
Elaine Celtic Maidens
Epona Celtic Horses, prosperity, and agriculture
Flidais Celtic shape-shifting
Hecate Greek Magick
Macha Celtic Sexuality and controlling males
Margawse Celtic Mothers
Niahm Celtic Guide who helps heroes after death
Persephone Greek Flowers, the spring
Rhiannon Celtic the Underworld
Scathach Celtic Martial arts, magick, healing, smithing, and prophecy
Venus Roman Love, beauty