The Autumnal Equinox is the first day of Fall. This is the second time for harvest, the final preparations are made now for Winter, it is also a time where light and dark are equally matched and light finally succumbs to darkness. Night falls and the Goddess begins to tire and prepares for Her Winter sleep, while the world, and all fauna and flora, falls into a deep coma-like slumber...awaiting the Spring and rebirth.
Traditional foods: Corn and wheat products, breads, nuts, apples, root veggies, cider, and pomegranates
Ritual herbs:acorns, asters, benzoin, fern, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, mums, myrrh, oak leaves, passionflower, pine, rose, sage, Solomon's seal, and thistles
Ritual decorations: acorns, pinecones, autumn leaves, and pomegrantates
Incense: benzoin, myrrh, and sage
Stones: carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, and yellow agate
Dieties: The Triple Goddess in the Mother aspect, Persephone, and Thor
Candle colors: orange, dark red, yellow, indigo, brown