February 16, 2008: Way back when during my last update, I pondered whether, with the world of work beckoning, I would be able to keep up a reasonable pace.

The answer to that is, I think, pretty obvious by now: The world of work has thoroughly kicked my butt. :P

I'm just now starting to get back into a routine where updating the Clearinghouse is becoming feasible again. It's going to take some time before things are ready; updating site entries has always been and remains an extremely time-consuming process--the most difficult part of the site, by far--and I don't think I'll be putting up any new entries until everything has been updated and I can see what, exactly, is still standing.

What I think I'm going to do is this: I'll inch my way through the master list, and every weekend, no matter how much or how little I've gotten done, I'll put up the updated entries, starting next weekend.

In the meantime, though, the recommendations archive has been updated (one casualty to report there: the home site of The Virus has gone down without a trace), and I have two years or so worth of new recommendations up for your reading pleasure.

Oh, and one final note, since I've received a couple of e-mails about this: I have been an FFML subscriber since 1999. As such, I have my own copies of every chapter of Quantum Destinies released on that mailing list (which is, as far as I know, more than was ever released elsewhere). However, I do not have the author's permission to post those chapters here--and even if I did, I wouldn't. The Clearinghouse is a link index, not an archive. No exceptions.

My concern was and remains in finding as complete an archive of the fic as possible for this site's visitors, since the story is a past Clearinghouse recommendation.

Until next weekend, then...


July 23, 2006: Well, housecleaning didn't get as far as I figured it would, but hopefully you won't be complaining too much. I did get through about 100 entries, and this update includes a new recommendation, a new writer's resource, and 30 new sites:

As always, check the master list for further details.

Next update is scheduled for two weeks from today. With the world of work beckoning, it'll be interesting to see whether I can keep up a reasonable pace. Until then,
