Star Trek: Voyager

     This is the section of my website devoted to Star Trek: Voyager! I adore all Star Trek, but Voyager is my favorite series. I love the general plot (being lost in the Delta Quadrant, trying to get home) and the characters. I admit, I have a thing for Harry Kim, but all of the characters are awesome! Anyway, once I get some more work done on this section of my page, it'll get a lot more interesting! You know the drill: please be patient! Thank you so much! I'll get working on this soon!
     I have some
fanfiction here, now!!!! Please check it out, and tell me what you think! All of my work is PG-13 or below, though I haven't written anything above PG yet.
     My newest feature is my
surveys area! I'm still trying to figure the system out, but I think it works. Please, go check it out and vote! I'm dying to know the results!!!!

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