...and so it begins
Welcome to these troubled realms, traveller. This dark tower within the cyber-realms holds the records of epic quests, vile fiends, strange, dark, and mysterious lands. The warriors of light quest against the great fiends who threaten all benevolent beings with the touch of darkness. You see before you the DM's web-page of his current AD&D role-playing group. This gameworld is made up of the Forgotten Realms, Planescape, and Ravenloft settings combined to form the multiverse in which the epic sagas are woven. There are more books of lore and tomes of arcane knowledge yet to be written. See who the great warriors of light are...

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Unearthed Arcania
Unearthed Arcania Advanced Dungeons and Dragons netbook

The Gaming Guy's HomePage: A veteran roleplayer and gamer's homepage. Links to many different types of RPGs. Keep an open mind! There is more than just TSR!

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    Produced by Andrew Bozek, 1998