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Graphic provided by Nora. Please visit her page too!

Welcome to the Immortal Collection!

Here you can find links to some of my favorite fanfiction sites for stories written by the members of the HLFIC-L mailing list. Most of the stories are also logged into the HLFIC-L archive however it is often confusing. I am also willing to host a writer who doesn't have a web page. If you don't see your web page listed here and want it to be, just go here and I will remedy that situation. Enjoy!

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Fanfic sites:

Highlander: The Fanfic Season

A few of the members were dismayed by the possibility of Highlander being cancelled so they decided to continue on their own. This has produced some of the most fantastic fanfic I have ever read. :-)

HLFIC-L Archive

This is the archive for everything posted to the HLFIC-L mailing list. Enter at your own risk! To subscribe to HLFIC-L, send email (without a subject line or signature file) to listserv@lists.psu.edu, with the following in the first line of your message: subscribe HLFIC-L YourFirstName YourLastName. You will be sent a welcome message automatically with list details.

Sandra's Homepage

The homepage of Sandra McDonald, a wonderful writer. Here you will find links to most of her stories, and also a picture of her adorable cats. :-)

Highlander: The Anthology

This is an anthology of Highlander Fanfiction from a variety of writers.

Methos Madness

The perfect site for all of those fans of the ROG out there.

Dawn's Highlander Fanfiction Page

The archive for stories by Dawn Cunningham.

Dawn's Archive

Dawn also has been nice enough to archive the fiction of some of her friends too.

The Highlander Quill Club

This is a testimony to brilliant web page design. It is also an archive for Highlander fanfic.

McMillian Stories

The stories of Russet McMillian.

ContiNEWity Stories: Bob Gansler's Highlander Fan-fiction

Great Stories! Mostly crossovers. Crisis on Immortal Earth is a must for crossover fans!

Albé-Shiloh: Highlander fanfiction by Marina Frants & Keith R.A. DeCandido

Highlander Fanfiction by Kathleen M. Wilson

This is one of the best writers I have ever had a chance to talk to. Wonderful stories!

The Gathering

An anthology of Highlander Fanfiction

Seventh-Dimension Highlander Fanfiction Archive

Wow! This is one of the largest and best anthologies of Highlander fanfiction that I have ever seen. Go check out the authors!

By the way! You are immortal number to visit this page since December 25, 1997.

That's all for now. I will add more at a later date. If you would like to have me add you to this site or let me host your fanfic just e-mail me at fhh98@hotmail.com OR fill out this form. I will add you as soon as I can.

This site owned by
Frank Henninger
Join the Highlander Ring

This page is maintained by Frank Henninger, and was last updated on April 6, 1998.