Ira Randolph Winesett Jr.

Born unknown date
Son of Ira Randolph Winesett and Wilma Withheld

Married unknown date to Roxanne Withheld
Divorced unknown date to Roxanne Withheld

Little is known about Randy Jr. or Roxanne at this time.

Ira and Roxanne's children are:
1. Cheryl Dawn who graduated from William and Mary College, married Fulton (Withheld), and is a pharmacist;
2. Christa Lynn, who graduated with Bland High School's "Class of 99", married and divorced Theodore (Withheld), the had a son Avery Winesett (Withheld); and
3. Craig Randolph who was a junior in high school in 2001..

Any information about the members of this family would be appreciated.

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