
After death the skin around nails and teeth shrink, which makes them look longer.

In the Past it was often thought that people who suffered of morphaea, a skin disease with a wound that's purple of colour and affects the lower lip, were drinkers of blood.

Many skin diseases, like "pemphigus vulgaris", look like bite-marks that were according to many 18 centuries farmers, a sign that there where bloodsucking vampires on the loose.

Vampires are nightpeople because they are very sensitive to light, but there are many medical affections which causes sensitivity for light, like porphyria, the syndrom of Sezary and blisters caused by sunlight on the skin.

The most well known mark of a Vampire are their vangs. Medically these conditions are cast off as a genetic illness which causes the teeth to grow in a way which makes them sort and stump. The eye-teeth look unnatural longer and are cone shaped.