1618   1618
Adrian Paul

Ian MacLeod: Adopted father of Duncan.  Clan Chieftain. 

Born: 1560   Died: 1624 


Mary Harris MacLeod: Adopted mother of Duncan.  

Born: 1570  Died: 1638

Matthew Walker "1618" Anna Hagan

Debra Campbell : Duncan's first love.

Born: 1600   Died: 1618


 Robert MacLeod :   Duncan's cousin and best friend.

Born: 1593  Died: 1618

Laurie Holden 1618 Scot McNeil

Shot: June 28, 1995

Aired:  September 25, 1995

First show of season 4

67th episode 

    Scottish Highlands "1618"


Written by: David Tynan

Directed by: Adrian Paul

    Famous last words

Ian to Duncan:  "It is a hard thing to face.  I raised you to lead this clan.  And to bare this sword after me.  No matter the cost."

Even your best friends life.