The men turn to look were Ramirez is pointing.


Kagan, Lucas Kalas, Antonius Kamir Kane (movie)
Kanis, Peter Kant, Horvan Kantos, Roland Kanwulf
Karros, Paul Kassim Katanna (movie) Katya
Keane, Steven Kelly, Johnny Kenneth Kent, Michael
Kenworth, Morgan (Raven) Keogh, David Kern Kershner, Hans
Killian, Simon Kincaid, Terence King, Tyler Kingsley, Willie
Kinman, Paul Kirin, John Knos (movie) Korda, Andre  (Raven)
Korland, Byrce Korolus, Marcus Kragen, Gerard Kristov, Ivan
Kronos Kurgan (movie) Kurlow, Lymon Kuyler, Christoph

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