Alien Xena Discovery Page
Alien Xena's UFO/Alien Page

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Please come back and maybe the truth will be within...

We all feel the need to know what is among us...and I as your alien from far beyond, Alien Xena, shall deliver what may help.





My Guestbook
What would be considered the true meaning of what really exists OUT THERE? So many people ask this question of "Are we alone" daily. What would be the true answer my friends? How would you decide...
Come with me now into the realms of the explored but unexplored. Ponder the question on what teh government denys is false. How are we to know what is the truth when there are so many "Children's Tales" about little grey me. Maybe I alone can help discover......Maybe we alone will find what lies..........OUT THERE.
In review of the number of descriptions people give, the number is unaccountable in countries all over the world. Each culture has thier own "alien" description. For example, America has the so-called Grey--Almond eyes, large head, small kinny body, seemingly almost to thin to support it's own head weight. Their skin has a greyish or ivory tint to it and the eyes are considered "large and empty, black harsh eyes." This is the most common description of an American being. Others include a more human like form or "Humanoid." The Roswell alien is another famous example. In Mexico or South America, the greys take on other destinctive traits. Instead of black limitless eyes...they have "flaming Red evil eyes." Contactees also note a strong smell of ammonia and sometimes feel a buring sensation. In other countries, aliens take on a more montrous shape and form. These beings can range anywhere from having fur to huge claws and teeth. Some call these "Chuacabras." While others say that this adds up to the ever popular "Yeti," or "Bigfoot." Although these are just a few examples, there are thousands more. Some even report seeing a "slime" being, while more claim to have seen robots, Flying creatures, Hybrids, Reptillian Creatures, and even many more. I shall go into further detail later
GREYS: Thin, app. 4 to 6 ft., Large thick heads and small torso, Eyes: Huge Almond shaped, usually black, sometimes red or orange, have no noticed genitalia, face: slanted nose, high or no noticed cheek bones, no facial expression, slit for mouth, Communication: mainly telepathical or sometimes verbal, Clothing: Described as tight fitting black suit or no clothing. Greys are commonly linked with hybrids or humanoids.
ROSWELL VERSION: Basically the same as the Greys, but usually they have more "human like" eyes and feelings. some consider these to be hybrids, they are described as to being 4 ft. tall, black clothing, and webbed hands, all seemed to be male. (But this is based on human description and much folklore). HUMANOID: The humanoid is basically the same physically as a human. But they are so different from others....for example, they feel as if they need to save the world and prevent disasters. They sometimes have mental telepathic abilities and can sense things that others could not. They are usually withdrawn and tend to stay to themselves. PHYSICALLY: 5 to 6 ft., Generally dark to blonde hair....they tend to be thin and agile...and amazingly strong. They are caring and thoughtful, and as I said before, they tend to stay away from the "Mainframe."
OTHER: Many other characters of alien kind exist throughout the universe. From the leathered skinned Reptilains to the bodiless Ethreals....they are to numerous to mention. Reports have been said on everything concerning aliens....from fur to robots to claws to slime, it has been said and well thought over, the one conclusion remains....they are among us....somewhere.
ALIEN ABDUCTION..are you one?
See this if you believe you may have been the victim of an alien abduction Through the conclusion of an encounter with an alien, many report physical pain and some find the ever famous "alien implant" embedded within some part of their body. Below is some pictures of implants that could for once conclude that this horrible incident is really occuring.
Alien Implant #1
Alien implant #2
Alien Implant #3
Alien Implant #4
Alien Implant #5
This has been an introduction into the realms of this journey. Please join me now as we explore the secrets, the mysteries, and the dangers of Ufology and more.
Explore The Vault......Government Documents and more
Coming soon!!!!!....Monsters Page....Aliens Page....Bermda Triangle....Other Paranormal....Xena's Page....Area 51 Page